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mark tonin

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Posts posted by mark tonin

  1. Word has it that the Fatties are alive and kickin' these days! I'm still a maybe for this show, but I'm hoping I'll be able to make the journey to check it out.

    There have been numerous threads about the Cats on this message board over the years. I've certainly chimed in on many occassions, gushing on about how much I enjoy the band. Here are a couple of links to old threads about the Fatties ...



    The tough part was finding threads where I haven't chimed in!

    It's getting close to 20 years that the band has been together ... long live the Fatties!

    Peace, Mark

  2. On Wednesday evening, I received a call from mousepad. I asked her how she was doing and she said “not well.†She asked me if I had heard the news that Julia had died. She had just read about it on Facebook. I was stunned. Shortly after hanging up the phone, I logged into Facebook and sure enough, there was the sad and upsetting news. I couldn’t help but think of the exciting wedding plans that I had read about on Jambands.ca so recently.

    I did not know Julia well enough to call her a close friend. But I would certainly call her a friend, having talked with her in person at various shows, and having read many of her posts on this message board over the years. My heart goes out to you Brian and to Julia’s closest family members and friends.

    Rest in peace Julia.

  3. Dressed as a stag, I arrived at around 10 pm with my wife Liana, or should I say Artemis, goddess of the hunt. I was her prey ... she must have been impressed by my massive antler rack ... and my tail, which seemed to be a target of attention all night. ;):)

    Shortly after arriving, Fat Cats hit the stage. What can I say about the Fatties that I haven't already said?!? I love this band! Jam rock at its finest, with rockin' grooves and solid songs.

    At around midnight, Garaj Mahal hit the stage. Jazam! Wow! Things got cooking right away with the song Hotel, and I couldn't help but think of edger's comment:

    One of my biggest take-away impressions from Halloween 2008 was how un-fucking-believable their drummer was. Seriously seriously.

    With Garaj Mahal, I think that the above comment applies to each of the 4 musicians in this band. Unbelievable guitar playing. Unbelievable keyboard playing. Unbelievable bass playing. They are incredible players who push musical boundaries. The music that they play is complex and confusing at times, and it takes some work and energy to absorb what is being presented. In some ways, the music that they play is better suited to a sit-down theatre rather than a bar. Having said that, I loved what I heard, felt fortunate to be able to see them in such an intimate setting, and worked up a big sweat dancing to the music.

    I felt fortunate as the band played all 3 of my suggestions from above ... Hotel, Witch Doctor and Meatless Patty. All three of those songs had me smiling, dancing and/or shaking my head in disbelief as I watched and listened. So did much of the rest of what they played! :) And I still have vivid and fond memories of the final 2 songs of the night ... Jamie's Jam and LSE.

    I'm done for now and need some veg time, but I wanted to share some thoughts before the week sets in and life gets too busy for reflection.

    All in all, another great Halloween experience in Hamilton!

    Peace, Mark

    P.S. Liana and I purchased a copy of More Mr. Nice Guy after the show and as I listen to it now I'm shaking my head in disbelief once again ... I just finished listening to track 3 (Tachyonics) and am now on track 4 (The Long Form) ... I'm almost positive they played both of those songs last night.

  4. I've watched some Garaj Mahal videos and listened to some tracks over the past few days, and once again I realize how phenomenal these 4 players are. Incredible musicianship. Having said that, I hope that they decide to veer to the funky and groovy side of things for this show, to keep all of us costumed freaks dancing. I'm loving the new tune Witch Doctor ... very funky. The same with Hotel from the last disc. And an extended Meatless Patty would undoubtedly keep people moving and grooving.

    In any event, I'll be there and enjoying it, as these guys can play!

    I'm also wondering about the start time and set times, as I don't want to miss the Fatties.

    Peace, Mark

  5. Wow ... this thread fills me with all kinds of emotion and brings back so many blasts from the past! I just spent some time reading the posts in this thread and browsing the Cavern Archive. I wish I had more time right now to reflect and respond, but that will have to wait for another day. I feel so fortunate and so lucky to be a part of all of this!

    Peace, Mark

  6. Did anyone watch this shit? Mason, the killer, finally admitted it after 12 years that he killer his sister. His parents have stuck by him all this time believing him that he didn't do it.

    He said that it was his plan to kill his parents, not his sister, but didn't get around to that and then 'accidentally' shot his sister in the head so shot her another four times because he reminded her of a wounded animal and wanted to put her out of her misery.

    His parents still visit him and eat cake and stuff.

    His cell is like a spoiled kids bed room. What a fucking joke!

    I wish I had seen the show. I'll have to find myself a copy. This story reminds me of a book I recently read entitled "We Need to Talk About Kevin," a novel about a mother whose son kills a number of his fellow high school students. The bond between parent and child is strong, and complex. The book is powerful and intense.

    Peace, Mark

  7. Hmmm... I think we decided that "The Orphans" are actually "The Strays"...but who knows?

    Edit to add, either way (if I'm not mistaken...and one would think I should no...damn hippies) that 'band' is an acoustic ensemble of Todd and Dave from Fat Cats, Dan Walsh, and Ricky Neu from Diesel Dog and myself.

    I think it is The Strays, at least for now. That's my understanding after speaking with Todd. Unless there is a different band called The Orphans? Or the band name has changed already? Or ... ? Damn hippies! ;):)

    Peace, Mark

  8. Below is the latest Facebook message sent out by Mark Wilson about the upcoming festival. Lots of good music over the course of the weekend!


    Hey all

    the big weekend is fast approaching..so I though I better get a schedule out to you guys

    this is by no means set in stone..there will probably be some changes and tweaks...but it's pretty close to how things will be on the weekend..Looking froward to seeing you all there on the long weekend..gonna be a blast

    Come Together Schedule Sept 2010

    Friday Sept 3


    7:00-8:00 The stand Up guys

    8:00-9:15 The F holes

    9:30-11:00 Diesel Dog


    11:30-12:30 Gruve

    1:00-3:00 Mark Wilson& The way It Is

    Saturday Sept 4


    11:00-12:00 Stagger Lee

    12:30-1:30 The Orphans

    2:00- 3:00 The First pass

    3:30- 4:30 Wormwood Scrubs

    5:00-6:00 wax mannequin

    6:30-7:30 Blind mule

    8:00-9:00 Days Of You

    9:30-11:00 Fat Cats


    11:30-12:30 Sonic shock

    1:00-???? Must Stash Hat


    songwriters in the saloon

    11:00-11:45 Mark Wilson

    12:00-1:00 Lynn Jackson

    1:15-2:15 Tanya Philipovich

    2:30-3:30 Paul Macleod

    4:00-5:00 Lucas Stagg

    5:30-6:30 Jonny kerr & Sheri Dunn

    7:00-8:00 blue buddz duo

    Main Stage

    1:00-2:00 The dishes

    2:30-3:30 Light sweet Crude

    4:00-5:00 Alfie Smith Duo

    5:30-6:30 Snow Heel Slim

    7:30-8:30- Ginger St James

    9:00-10:00- The Done fors

    10:30-12:00 Ultra Violet hippo


    12:00-1:00 Menno groove

    1:30-????? Caution Jam

  9. My opinion, Mike is the more versatile and Phil is the more unique. Phil seems to stick to his style of playing, which is awesome by the way. But Mike seems to incorporate a little of everything into his playing. Things like slapping & popping, tapping, finger plucking. I don't see Phil doing those things, he tends to stick to using the plectrum.

    I agree. It took me a while to really appreciate Phil's playing because his approach to playing the bass is so unique. He doesn't lay down a groove in the same way as Mike or many other players.

    Phil or Mike? Phil and Mike!

    Peace, Mark

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