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mister slippery

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Posts posted by mister slippery

  1. Coming to get ya, POG.

    Could really use a draw this aft.


    note to self, don't taunt POG in this thread, ever. Since I made that post, I'm 0 for 3. What made me think South Korea would manage a draw v Argentina?

    Silly Slippery.


  2. Dear work,

    F**k, you guys are stupid today. Even the extra-stupid, extra-smelly troll is dumber and smellier than usual.

    You dick, what gives? We were getting along so well. Gotta feeling I'm taking a lot of beer/WorldCup breaks this afternoon, you big blue jerk!



  3. Holy crap, what a result.

    Spain can score, but that was some defensive effort by the Swiss.

    And, Andre, I've said enough that Rio is part of my England squad, and a very important one. I just don't want him as captain. Clearly, given my Chelsea allegiance, I understand the role of a centre back, and Rio is in the top 2 for English centre backs. I just don't want him as captain.

  4. There is a large grocery store, maybe Sobey's, just before the venue.

    Many, myself included, have crossed their fingers and parked there for free. You take yer chances, but ive never had a problem.

    From there, 1 minute to the front door of the Sound Academy.

  5. It's really pretty awesome, this board.

    Sloth, you know how to phrase a sentence, nicely done. Whereas, Booche, you come off as a prick yet again.

    If you cannot figure out my problems with Rio as captain, maybe you don't really get football?

    Anyway, carry on, I could care less what you think, but you sure do seem like a prick.


  6. The Toronto Star has a good World Cup preview section today, with some description of each club.Denmark particularly amused me with their "Player to watch" listed thusly:

    "Arsenal striker Nicklas Bendtner plays like someone on muscle relaxants. He's just as likely to crash into a goalpost and knock himself unconscious as he is to score a hat trick. Denmark would prefer more of the latter. The rest of us? The former, if it's not too much bother."

    1 more sleep, 2 till England.


  7. Good final.

    Bit of an anti-climactic winner, but good for Chicago.And, I thought, good for Hossa. I've got no problems with him, and he's never done anything to me.

    Now, Chicago, since you've got your Cup now, I reiterate a question from several months ago. Can we, the Maple Leafs, please have Patrick Sharp?

  8. answered in the World Cup thread, but I'm in, and thanks for setting it up.

    When Spain won the Euros in 2008, I put down a fifty that day at 20-1 odds that they'd hoist the World Cup too, tough finding those odds now.


    Kinda love to see Paraguay do a little something in the tourney.

  9. Who's gonna sit on the Chelsea bench next year?

    bbc.co.uk reporting that Ballack and Cole have been released as free transfers, and Belletti will be gone when contract expires at end of June. Plus, Deco heading back to Brazil after the world cup.

    Don't particularly need any of the 4, but man, I'm gonna miss the one Joe Cole.

    2 more sleeps, 3 till England.

  10. Tis a bit late, and with fans hitting the road soon for 1st leg, its awkward timing.

    Still, I'm hopeful.

    Been hearing the vegas rumours as well. For some reason, I'm kinda keen on a two night Cinci run, that'd be great for me.


  11. Probably just a load of old balls, but some are saying "F9 at Lime".

    August 27-9th, 2010.

    Didn't see anything here about it, and people may have cooler sources who are more "in the know" than I am, but what the hell, this is a discussion board.

    Plus, if it ends up being true, I'm going, so let it be, for me.


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