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mister slippery

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Posts posted by mister slippery

  1. [2. It was recognized that the evils of that day lead to the greatest good, the salvation of mankind. Thus, despite the bad, the day was truly good.



    That's always how I looked at it.

    Plus, he knew it was coming, it was supposed to happen. Still, I bet being crucified really sucks, if you aren't Jesus.

  2. I saw Projekt 2 (sp?), a King Crimson side Project, years ago and it was great.

    Saw the Orb, there, sound was aweful.

    Sasha = several times, either bad sound or bad crowd depending on the occasion.

    Tenaglia = atrocious crowd, good sound.

    and on.

    and on.

    and on.

    Liked it once, keep giving it 2nd, 3rd, 4th 5th chances but, IN MY OPINION, the Government sucks as a venue.

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