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mister slippery

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Posts posted by mister slippery

  1. dave - everybody's already seen wassabi and almost nobody goes out to see moses mayes. I caught them right after they put out their first album and i was impressed then...took awhile but i saw them again in Ottawa this past year and made the effort to hit up peterborough as well because the show was awesome.

    this is one of the tightest bands around these days. they hit solid grooves, have awesome lines, and know how to rock a party.

    Wassabi knows how to have a good time too but Moses Mayes is definitely worth checking out. Definitely a powerhouse.

    hey BradM - do you have that show hosted yet? it rocks.

    saw moses last time in toronto.

    it was really phenomenal.

    however, wassabi is where i will be, for the 40th or whatever amount of times it is.

  2. Come on Moncton... :D

    It'd suck to miss a CT on Labour Day weekend, but to party with my older sis on the east side will most definitely be worth it. Why the hell hasn't she called me back with the good news yet? Bahhhhhh! The suspense is killing me! :)

    good luck, although CTMF needs you.

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