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Posts posted by kung

  1. Slightly unrelated but from the same site:


    From Martin Schram:

    The Bush-Cheney Big Lie Strategy is based upon the time-tested notion that political journalists still do not understand that political TV ads have all but replaced political speeches as the dominant form of communicating to voters -- and thus, must be covered with the same prominence and attention to accuracy as speeches.

    Instead, journalists and their editors still permit Candidate X to distort _ even flat-out lie about -- an opponent's record in TV commercials that reach hundreds of millions of voters, without calling them on it in a prominent, page-one story that they would run if Candidate X had uttered the same lie in a speech to an audience of maybe 500 people. Nowadays, newspaper journalists pat themselves on the back for even mentioning the distortion or inaccuracy _ in the umpteenth paragraph of a little box titled "Ad Watch" that they run buried back with the aluminum-siding and snow-tire ads.

  2. Okay at least 7 of you saw this post before it aired. Kyle had a short bit about a five minute clip with three or four interview responses. They quickly made the connection to John Mayer since he's opened for him and then Maroon 5 basically the two bands that fit into their understanding of music, I mean he's opened for Buddy Guy and Keb Mo too for chris sake. He made a good point in response though that if you know music and you hear a note of Miles playing horn you know it's him, and the same would be true of Santana, Jimmy Page, Trey, Jerry and a slew of others. It was his way of saying and he made the point that the same is true of pop music and he's trying to find his voice too. He talked about how weird the filming of his first video was and also about how when he made it, which he already has really, what would he do and he said maybe it's falsely humble but he'd buy every record when it came out every week just cause he could. I thought he was surprisingly well spoken, his dad told me a few years back how he can be any age he needs to be depending on the situation and it shows. He's also into making short movies and stuff with his friends which would be really cool for a video treatment or just to see.

  3. You're talking about the underage youngin bate that you were dwelling on right? I don't know about the cure though, never got into them, the cult hell yeah, the clash hell yeah, for lack of a better word it always struck me as sort of faggoty. Interpol never impressed me too much, although Brad Pitt is in to them and said so on Entertainment Tonight. The Rapture don't know too well. But Mogwai I would kick it with.

  4. I actually got excited hearing that you were going abroad Shain. Not excited for you just excited you wouldn't be around! Seriously though that'll be good for you, my brother he's a youngin like you and he's been living in London for the last long stretch after starting teaching English in Italy (and picking up the flight attendant on his Rome to London flight who was still his girlfriend until recently). Anyways now he's working in a health club but he's had a steady apartment or roomette in Camden market for a good time and he only went over with like $3000 CAN. Dude I'd drop that at the bar, on drugs and cover charges in the first week! Oh yeah what was i saying travel plans. Well I do a lot of Canadian travelling cause of my border allergy but I've grown to love this great country of ours, lately I've been actually missing the east so I may have to go visit my other younger brother in Hali maybe if WEEN makes it up there! It's pretty much one-offs or mini tours for me and Ween, The Slip and a small handful of others are high on the priority list.

  5. I think it goes to show you don't ever know that any town can be what you make of it. I'm interested in Windsor as a community and Chatham too is really beautiful, weird fact about Chatham is that they have a high end antique car refurbishing business there and a big show in the summer that is the tops. Guys like Nick Cage and Tiger Woods will be in Chatham on a weird day and nobody knows it, they're just picking up another Bentley. So what was I saying oh yeah if you retreat into the interiority of your drug crazed mind every town is the same. If the work is there and if baby you love the work then just figure you're a hell of a lot closer to Auburn Hills! Shimmee Shimmee yeah shimmee yeah shimmmee yah.

  6. Lordy Lordy look whose fourty. Seriously I think the best thing I could give you for your birthday besides a good ribbing would be to teach you the basics at least. I'm talk the Uprock the Lowrock, the easy skank, the Dave Byrne, the Prince and the Master Usher and his Jedi Lord the Michael Jackson. If we started there and then maybe I taught you how to drop a Qi Bomb we'd be off to a good start. Don't get me wrong you can drop a Qi Bomb but I'm talking the real fajing.

  7. I haven't listened to it yet but aren't they off the air now? I thought they ran out of money. When you think about it that is the one thing the Right has done really well is capitalize on the so-called right wing moral majority whether it's radio in the form of Rush Limbaugh and the Dr. Laura Schlessinger's or on tv the Bill O'Reilly's and Fox News. Interestingly Al Gore and his backer have bought CBC Newsworld International a not unsignificant cable asset with a good existing subscriber base to become a sort of left wing or at least balanced (not in the sense of 'fair and balanced') take on the news. Then there's the whole Al Gore connection to the Dead breakup and rift around his venture capitalist dead head buddy who wanted to capitalize the digitizing of the vault with the implication that the vault was collateral- Hunter called this papering the walls of the vault with advertising. So it'll be interesting to see if Franken ends up on this new cable channel and likewise I think Fox News is sneaking on the digital cable channel in Canada for a real dose of down home right wing muck raking.

  8. Brah I really hope you aren't in fact an english teacher- that's just ridicules. Didn't mean to get too far afield on the OM discussion, I agree with everything Beats has said, though I've never been I like the idea of not having to rush around from stage to stage to catch this or that, the workshops, vibe, food and setting. And yes Wassabi will SO fit in with that vibe although again I wouldn't describe them as IDM (Intelligent Dance Music) maybe Inebriated Dance Music or Indecisive Dance Music. Just buy a fucking Tortoise record alright.

    To your question I guess some of those non-essentialist ideas work with either what Zappa was saying or John Cage was doing and the Tate gallery examples are on point. In Canada the Order of Canada was just given to Istvan Kantor who many would question as 'art' or award worthy- so I guess Canada's pretty hip to the breeze.

  9. Whoa I didn't put that shit up for you to all go moral majority. Admittedly roasts don't normally go that far, it was ill advised at best, but it also casts so against type, not just Sam Malone as a negro but clean cut tv actor Ted Danson doing something really edgy. If Spike Jonze or Quentin put him in a movie he'd be famous. I think he sort of mentioned in passing Whoopie dared him and did he ever come back. I guess it wouldn't be so inflamed an issue if race wasn't a powderkeg in the us of a. And he said Whoopie's cunt was huge:

    ‘Now Ted, if you do nothing else today, it’s very important that you do cunt jokes.’ And I said, ‘I don’t know, Ma.’ But then my mother pointed out that her [Goldberg’s] cunt is really huge. She said, ‘It’s the size of South Africa, and twice as inflamed.’ That was what my mom wanted, I’m telling you the truth.

  10. Meggo yours and scotties question is a valid one and I was trying to answer it in a roundabout way at least by mocking my kind of I guess essentialism (whatever I say is the shit is essential). I do this both as a living breathing self-parody and stone faced serious. But to take the question beyond just taste it then becomes a question of what is art and what is not and who decides which is a far more interesting question. I came across this which is admittedly dense but yields good fruit:

    I. Art & Artworks

    What is art? What is the artwork? Who is the artist?

    Should it matter if the creator is human?

    Should it matter if the object is an "exemplar" of its type?

    Does it matter if the creator of the object intended it to be received as art?

    Must the object have an audience?

    Essentialist theories: These are usually traced back to the Greek philosopher Plato, who contended that essences of particular things--from beds to beauty to art--are discoverable by a process of careful philosophical reflection. Essentialist theories lead to closed concepts of art. For example, the early twentieth century art critic Clive Bell wrote:

    Either all works of . . . art have some common quality, or when we speak of "works of art" we gibber. Everyone speaks of "art," making a mental classification by which he [sic] distinguishes the class "works of art" from all other classes. What is the justification of this classification? What is the quality common and peculiar to all members of this class?

    Tartarkiewicz's disjunctive definition of art also is an essentialist theory, even though it broadens the definition of what can be art to three possible characterizations:

    Art is either:

    a) a reproduction of things

    B) a construction of forms, or

    c) an expression of experiences such that it is capable of evoking delight, emotion, or shock (Puzzles, 17)

    Antiessentialists content that Plato was wrong: for a good number of important terms, including art, there is no one feature or set of features that is common to all memebers of the group sharing the name. Ludwig Wittengenstein is best known for working in this tradition. He contended that for any definition one might propose of these terms (he used "game"), there are counterexamples and proposed overlapping features, "family resemblances." No single definition or characteristic can always be found in all examples where the term "game" is used.

    Paul Ziff & Morris Weitz applied to art Wittengenstein's idea of "family resemblances." Ziff observed: "so long as there are artistic revolutions, the phrase 'work of art,' will continue to be used in many ways." Weitz proposed the "open concept of art." The conditions of application are always emendable and corrigible.

    The most famous example of an anti-antiessentialist theory of art is the Institutional theory, developed by George Dickie. He argued that "art is not indefinable after all. His definition originally went like this:

    A work of art in the classificatory sense (1) is an artifact

    (2) a set of aspects of which has had conferred upon it the status of candidate for appreciation by some person or persons acting on behalf of a certain social institution (the artworld).

    He later revised this definition into five deliberately circular definitions that he says reveal the "inflected" nature of art:

    1. an artist is a person who participates with understanding in the making of a work of art.

    2. a work of art is an artifact of a kind created to be presented to an artworld public.

    3. A public is a set of persons the members of which are prepared in some degree to understand an object which is presented to them.

    4. The artworld is the totality of all artworld systems.

    5. An artworld system is a framework for the presentation of a work of art by an artist to an artworld public.

    The point is that the artworld is a dynamic social institution, not static,and that this institution defines art.

    Sample art and artwork puzzles include "Ruby the Elephant "and "Betsy the Chimpanzee," "Erased DeKooning," and Duchamp's Fountain.


  11. So seriously I was thinking about this some more as I tippled home from the Albion and my late afternoon 'business meeting' and it really is an interesting issue. It sort of comes down to the fact that if you think someone is 'solid' it stands to follow that you think their music taste will be 'solid'. Like Tungsten has about the best music taste I know of with the exception of say Secondtube- now if either of them claimed to like the Wassabi Collective (I'm seeing this one coming tube) it would fuck up my whole mo. This is presuming you can't just accept that taste is taste and you can't debate it like truth- I guess guilty pleasures sort of throw a left hand monkey wrench in the works too. It's all a bit confusing though it probably only becomes so when you try and apply a rigid metanarrative that accounts for everything in the world including why otherwise smart people don't like the Flaming Lips.

  12. So by that logic Bri are you leaving off All That You Dream cause it was played last year? Likewise I really think in particular Skin It Back is THE OPENER it just leaps full throttle, like a waterskier doing a dock start, into a confident set. Rag Mama Rag is a nice call for something from the Band repertoire, I still think an off kilter Planet Waves or Basement Tapes song would work the best. It sort of shows their shared heritage and that they get 'it' and 'us' if those words mean Canadians and North Americans, a mosaic and a melting pot. A tripped out mosaic molten stew! Another song that came to mind was Cortez The Killer or Helpless. 'There is a town in North Ontario'...

  13. Don't know if you've ever heard about Ted Danson (in blackface) roasting whoopi goldberg at the Friars Club, but here are some exerpts from the Spy Magazine transcript. Enjoy.

    After toupeed sitcom actor Ted Danson did his notorious minstrel shtick at Whoopi Goldberg’s Friars roast last year, a few of his controversial witticisms made their way into print. But as far as we know, no one in the press printed transcripts from an actual tape recording of the event that immediately preceded, but in now way contributed to the couple’s breakup. We couldn’t resist sharing the following excerpts.

    “Before I get into my thing, I wanted to say that this morning, as I was shaving and wondering what I was going to say this afternoon, Whoopi was giving me a blowjob. And all of a sudden I looked down and said, ‘Aw, c’mon, Whoop! Don’t nigger-lip it!’ I came to discuss a problem here, ladies and gentlemen! Please now!...I know I’m prepared for arguments, but I got to tell you, black chicks sure do know their way around a dick. But, in all fairness, white girls get toys for Christmas.

    “But I tell ya, I sure was nervous today…Right before we started, someone pulled me aside and said, ‘Ted, remember, the mayor [Dinkins] is coming. Don’t do any political stuff. Just do nigger jokes.’ I said, ‘C’mon, man, look at me. Do you think I would stoop to that level?’

    It’s been a hell of a year for us, me and Whoop. We’ve been working so much, it’s been hard to get together. We’ve been so busy, we haven’t seen each other in a coon’s age. But I tell ya, the tabloids just won’t leave us alone. As a matter of fact, this morning, right after we, uh, Whoopi said to me, ‘Y’know, if only we could get Burt Reynolds to fuck Michael Jackson, we’d be home free.

    “I love being in the tabloids, you guys. In fact, we had our first fight, with all our ‘problems’, we had our first fight just this morning…before. There’s this new picture we’re doing for Disney call The Nigger Lovers. And Miss Diva here insists on playing the nigger. I said, ‘C’mon, Whoop! You always play the nigger. Just because you did the nigger nun doesn’t mean you get to play the nigger all the time. Someone else will play the nigger. How hard can it be?’

    “The tabloids say that our life together is scandalous. I mean this sincerely: A lot of our life is very ordinary. I’ll never forget the time I took Whoopi to meet my parents. And I know that the tabloids have said things about us that wasn’t true. And I was worried about how my parents would react when I brought Whoopi home, because they’re so stuffy and out of touch. But Whoopi fit right in. After she did the laundry and washed the dishes and dusted and generally tidied up the place, my father, my sweet, dear father, offered to give her a ride to the bus stop. I’m not sure about my mother though. She got out of place. I mean really out of place—especially when she told Whoopi that she should sleep in the barn, by herself. Actually, my mother got along with Whoopi beautifully, because my mother’s a dyke.

    “Whoopi finished the chores while my dad and I looked through an old photo album of Vanessa Redgrave’s. I mean Vanessa Williams pictures, actually. Then it was time for bed, because it was too dark for Whoopi to do the windows. Also she didn’t know what to wear the next day, and I said, ‘Man, if you’re black, you wear a uniform.’ She hadn’t had dinner, so she was gonna go out to a 7-Eleven, where nobody would notice she was black; or else she’d call the Domino’s Pizza guy. But then I thought, I really shouldn’t let Whoopi roam around at night, in case the neighbors were mowing hedges or something. So, uh, instead, I took her out to the deck and fucked the shit out of her…You know the monkey love she’s famous for. And greased like a werewolf, too. I mean, her screams could open a garage door. It was incredible. Then once all the neighbors were standing there, Whoopi looked around and she was pissed. She said it was like they never heard a black chick get boned before. And that just got her worked up and she bellowed, ‘Yes! Yes! Lily-white motherfucker! Fuck me! Fuck me good!’ Exactly at that minute, I heard my mother crack open the door. We just sort of froze. But I just tried to slip it in and out a little to keep it hard. And my mother said, ‘No, not with Ted. The neighbors are getting worried about the future. I don’t think you and Miss Goldfarb have given any real thought to what you’re doing. What if there are children? Who will convince them when they have diarrhea they’re not melting? If they go to the beach, cats will try to bury them.’ Ah, but Whoopi and I just started to laugh and laugh, and I said, ‘Ma, relax! I’m fuckin’ her in the ass!’

    “I’m moved every time I think of that. Waiter, can I get some service over here? Can you move your feet there, please? Come on, hurry up! [Waiter brings out watermelon.] Oh thanks, I’ll just be a moment. [Eats watermelon.] Ah, that really hits the spot.

    [To Goldberg.] “I do believe I remember you saying ‘I dare you.’

    “Before I introduce our first guest, I have to take care of something here. My mother called this morning and said, in that sweet, unassuming way of hers, ‘Now Ted, if you do nothing else today, it’s very important that you do cunt jokes.’ And I said, ‘I don’t know, Ma.’ But then my mother pointed out that her [Goldberg’s] cunt is really huge. She said, ‘It’s the size of South Africa, and twice as inflamed.’ That was what my mom wanted, I’m telling you the truth.

  14. No it's an Analogy MarcO not confusing I'll break it down for you:

    Wassabi Collective = cum stained 1972 Penthouse (to Kung)

    Wassabi Collective = treasure trove of hardcore german erotica- the real cum guzzling heady epic stuff- (to MarcO)

    Get it?

    Analogy is the comparison of two pairs which have the same relationship. The key is to ascertain the relationship between the first so you can choose the correct second pair. Part to whole, opposites, results of are types of relationships you should find.

  15. I appreciate where you're coming from and just as you are entitled to get on the bandwagon or bandbus or vanagon I am entitled to GET OFF THE BUS. I have no doubt that if you have a certain disposition i.e. vegan, organic, weed smoking etc. that they are the shit but if you're only connection is that your interests happen to overlap with those interests i.e. improv or jam music I can understand people really not liking it. It's the same with the cheese for me, some part of me wishes I could piss my life away like so much liquid acid and just sell grillies and t-shirts with funny plays on song names but it's just not an option. I have to focus on my career and ironically my health despite doing enough to piss that away too. Now if their hippy bus was an RV (and clean), if that shit was sponsored out the wazoo (hopefully by gilette razors or neat bikini wax) and rolling across the country to the overintelligent drum and bass stylings of the Slip hell I'd be in on that shit!

  16. I think you betrayed your ignorance when you referred to HIP HOP as Rap I don't know of anyone that calls it rap anymore, rap is LL Cool J, rap is Ice T, rap is Public Enemy- the grand munificent fountain of all things creatively linked over a 2/4 beat is HIP HOP. I'll take Aesop Rock, Dose One, Aceyalone and Gene and Dene any day over the WAY GENERIC stylings of the west coast poo poo train.

  17. Never been to Om but it sounds amazing, for the good remains of the rave scene in a creative environment. The Wassabi would not encourage me to go though (although that is SO their vibe and I'm sure their hippy sex drug cult will make a killing on whatever they're selling). Just watched E4 for the first time and wow if everything I ever thought of wassabi wasn't confirmed to a tee- every song sounded like a really bad version of First Tube played by a bar band on crank (with natty nasty dreads and lame ass hippiness oozing out of the cracks).

  18. Esau and Rider pretty much called it. I couldn't add much more, maybe just that anything in your background might dissuade you likewise if you are a drug user... not that people can't get anything they could possibly want up in Canada.. which leads me to the fact that since it is a hassle we really have to convince bands/agents/management on a personal artistic interest. When you think about the bands that have been receptive to touring in Canada from our scene like D & T and the Slip it's been because it appeals to them to play to an audience that has (hopefully) less hangups.

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