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Posts posted by PassedOutGuy

  1. Good question Alan!!

    For me, with the Dead.. it was the minute i walked into the building 3.22.90 and saw all the beautiful people spinning and dancing in the halls... we arrived just after the first song started and i was in awe of what was going on around me all night.. talk about culture shock... the Scarlet>Fire from this show kinda put me over the edge and i was completely sober...

    As for Phish , I was trading for shows in 94 wonering what was with all the Phish stickers in the Dead lots... i believ my phirst tapes were 12.31.92 which i still love to this day and would love a soundboard copy on cd if anyone has it... i got completely "Hooked" at my phirst show the minute they blew my mind with a killer Split Open... what moments that 12.7.95 Niagara Falls show has for me... openning with old home place to the unbelieveably Mikes

  2. Not that this has anything to do with the books, but does with a bookstore... ur cd's finally arrived yesterday boys... and guess what.. i put ya up on the post beside Trey and Phil like I said and sold one the first day... this dude new nothing about you or jamband music and by the time he was done he left with ur cd, the new Scofield, Dave Matthews and three other jazz cd's...

    may have to re order more soon... have phun guys! ur goin platinum!

  3. Hey everybody.. Kung's back...

    Wow a journalist who was actually looking forward to something and lets it out... la dee fucking da... I wish more journailists were actually into the music they are reviewing as you brother...

    Sorry to hear about upstream.. kinda givin them a bad name around these parts..

  4. I totally dig the look right now Phishin but the only possible changes that I could see would be Trey with a beard and the possible inclusion of some red white and blue as you know how americans are...

    Or the pogos being tramps...

    Hope this helps...

  5. Hows it goin brother...just curious as to ur hotel situation Jan 2 through 4th? Ive only got a ticket to the 4th but will be heading down from New York on the second after new years and a raptors game. .. think u may have room for 1 more? drop me an email at jcphish@yahoo.com

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