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Posts posted by PassedOutGuy

  1. man i hate Phishheads!

    So the song may be poppy or rootsy... why the fuck does every little piece of music have to be analyzed to the tits... and this isnt addressed to this board in general but to every annoying Phish msg board out there...

    I'm sure the album will sound great to some, amazing to others... and crap to some as well... thats why we love music, not everyone has to like the exact same thing...

  2. doesnt look like it my friend.. still paying off Vegas... i think my next show may not be until June with Little feat...Chris and I are truckin down to hamilton for it... i may have an extra if u want a ticket...

  3. hey Blane,

    I thought these recordings sounded familiar to the stuff you gave me... u gave me two highlight tapes of the entire tour to which both have been stolen so i am soooo happy that these have finally been shared online...

  4. See you guys soon in Oshawa... lookin forward to it... i will let you know that there is a new music venue/bar that has just opened up in Oshawa and will suit you guys alot better than the elvis... sorry but i completely cannot stand that place anymore... its called the Stag's Head and they are up for getting music in there on a regular basis... Cosmic Boogie just played two great saturday nights there as well...

  5. hey man, great suggestions... once i get some money together to get some more blanks i may have to get some discs off ur way... ive pulled off a bunch of the stuff u suggested and am loving every minute of it... havent been able to grab the return to forever but am dyin for a listen so i'll be in touch... thanks for the ideas... im totally lovin anything Metheny and Miles right now...

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