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Posts posted by PassedOutGuy

  1. hey there Caroline,

    Whats shakin phriend, drop me an email at jcphish@yahoo.com so we can figure out all the shit about Evolve... i hope u can join us... now have a full car with yourself, Lisa and her phriend Michelle... u can also volunteer through evolvefestival.com ...whether u do or not ill get u the advanced ticket price of 40 dollars... ill be emailing them tonight... hope to talk to u soon...


  2. My first experience with Phil as well and the show completely blew what little i had left of my mind... very phun!! loved the factthat we were everywhere within the venue... couldnt walk 50 feet without seein someone else to go chill with... highlights for me had to of course be the SHakedown, Help..slip..tower, as well as Night of a thousand stars and Liberty to go home was just too sweet!

  3. I will say that the only negative thing that I could see coming out of this show actually was the crowd... quite a cross section of heads and ya know what happens when ya bring an older crowd that wants to sit down and a younger crowd that wants to party together... Jaimoe and I actually witnessed fists being thrown about 20 people in front of us on the left side facing the stage... i can remember thinking to myself how I was hoping Sco didnt see this cause would it bring him back into a great situation like this? Out comes security and out come the cops... other than that I had a fantastic time!

  4. I agree in full to everything Jaimoe said... John owns the stage while he's on it... giving his band mates ample time to showcase their talents all the while getting right into the groove himself... very happy getting to see a show like that for free... I would have easily paid good money to see it.... maybe even more than 10 dollars and 70 cents ... and for that im seeing Phil, moe. and soulive... hehehehehehe insert evil grin here!

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