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Posts posted by PassedOutGuy

  1. wll no matter how many times i watch it im stickin to my feelings... if not hitting from behind it was at least a boarding call.. i agree with Don and Ron on that one...

    and at least Don had the class to say that Alfie did what he had to do to score... he wasnt giving it to him he was giving it to the officials..

  2. reality check please...

    I know Sens fans are happy they won but lets get serious here.. there is no place in the game for hitting from behind... i dont care if it is against your most hated team... i would not wish anyone to be paralyzed or even killed on the ice.. why do u think the international ice hockey federation plays the icing rule when it crosses the line...

  3. nicely put sloth about putting the whistles away.. especially if it causes a chance at a goal... hey what can u do... those are not two of the finer refs in the league anyways, come on... shick and walkom (sp?) who put that team together?

    way to go andy van hellemond

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