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Posts posted by PassedOutGuy

  1. mine had to be the simple fact of Booche running around trying to avoid the puke smell at the CZ... meanwhile here i was thinkin that the place smelled great compared to the last couple of times i was there.. or maybe i was high... 4:20 seemed to come more often than twice a day!

  2. What a wonderful 420 it was!!! Booche so very happy to kick it with u again even for such a short time... ya how sick was that WWL...beer is evil... i awarded myself my own personal toaster... Very nice to meet some Skanks for the first time... Shainhouse, LJFH and to others i may have forgotten... Punk we gonna throw it down on Friday for Nero? lemme know i gots your number now...

  3. Well i have three family dogs, Chelsea, Shade, and DJ. DJ standing for Diamond Jim, I originally went with Runaway Jim but of course was over ruled by the owner... my MOM... at least the Jim part stuck... all Border Collies that are Champion flyball dogs... just an interesting side note

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