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Posts posted by PassedOutGuy

  1. The thing I remember most when I first joined the board was Booche telling me to make sure I didnt tell anyone about it as it was going to simply be a small Ottawa community type thing and we didnt want it to get too big...

    Thank you for all your hard work with the board Mike... can't believe my ForbinHood/PassedOutGuy persona was born ten years ago.

  2. I can see what you are trying to do for sure Hal but come on, we did vote, expressed our interest/ disinterest... now lets keep it the same and move on... the draft is this week. If this was something we had a month to think about maybe, but i simply dont have time to figure out a whole nother componant of drafting my team.

  3. Glad someone saw the game like I did... Seems like Sloth and I watched the same game. He busted runs of 13 15 and 17 yards as well as was avg'ing a good 5 per carry in the first half... if thats not substantial i dont know what is.

    As well, do you really think they took away Miny's passing game as much as Farve simply was pathetic in the second half... a couple of gopher balls and him throwing the ball up to avoid sacks... right into the centre of the field taboot. Yes they did pressure the passer more in the 2nd but he still looked limp.

  4. Minnesota has completely taken the running game of Peterson out of the second half.... stupid. 77 yards in the first half was working... he has ten in the second.

    Props to NO, this is one good football team.

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