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Posts posted by PassedOutGuy

  1. Luke we have met many times and I have no problem you knowing my name.. Its Bob, most people on here know that too. I have told that to you many times too but many times you have been in no condition to remember it anyways.

    If you look at my post it I wasn't trying to talk shit about you but put things in perspective and defending some offensive comments. The Chef comment may have been out of context... apologies.

    If you look back through your past as well there were many people on here that held out a helping hand and offered to take you in and help you get through some very troubling times.

    There are also many of us (me included) that get tired of the "bullying" and headier than you attitude that you bring to the board quite often. Come to think of it, havent we been down this road already before? Not for just me but a thread almost identical to this that ended up getting modded because it was going to far?

    Sometimes its better just to let things go before they are taken too far. All the best Luke.

  2. seconded Jaybone.

    That last post could lead to a pretty serious rant by any of us on this board that has grown and lived with zero's ups and downs of the last five to 10 years.

    Remember dude, its all been documented right here.

    Something tells me that "The 30 some odd, aging 30 some odders that make up the remnants of the Canadian Deadhead, Phishead, or 'jamband' scene seem" as you seem to belive only have drugs or bad music in common are pretty successful around here. Correct me if i'm wrong but we have school teachers and lawyers, government officials and IT techs, (hell, i'm good friends with a chef on here that would cook you under the table in a second) ,we have all sorts of different level management types on here that are driven by their own successes as well as their own family life... not drugs and bad music.

    I could go on forever with this but why don't you just take a step back before you post and think about what you have posted on here the past 5 to 10 years or however long zero and kung have been around... it may all be put into perspective for you then.

  3. You should have seen the line at my mall (Fairview) in Toronto today. Absolutely insane... took me back to camping out for Floyd tickets in the 80's. There was at least 1000 people in line from one end of the mall to the other at 8 am. By 4 pm there still had to be 300 in line.


    oh to have come up with Apple's business plan.

  4. is absolutely disgusting. I have watched a couple of youtubes and he truly is a mess. If this truly happened, who the F^%& would do that? This isnt the 70's anymore where he could pull it together and fake his way through it pretty well.

    damn take a watch on one of the vids...

    As stated on PT.. you can sit through the whole trainwreck or fastforward to 4:57.

    How was he in Ottawa? Nothing like this I presume?

    He could just be having one of those moments... he is in his 60's... he's never been super strong remembering lyrics anyways... discuss.

  5. Anyone that has been over to shows on the Island may be able to help out here...

    just curious as to a few things... do they sell beer at the venue or is it snoots only?

    What is the curfew to get people ferried back to the mainland?

    What was your experience like at the dock pre show? Head there well early and hang out or wait in line for hours?

    Contemplating the Arcade Fire show right now and would love some deets...

    thanks skanks.

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