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Posts posted by PassedOutGuy

  1. Thank you Taper420.

    Again, another great stream. Fun first set so far but nothing mind blowing. Nice jams in the Gin. Didnt get to hear the Disease but it will probably be hard to hit the levels of Alpine.

    Thinking its time to hang up Destiny like they had originally which made it the biggest bustout ever back in 03.... or at least until Trey can pull off the opening third of the song.

  2. "I'm keeping tabs on a million little details, taking hundreds of photos, trying basically to project a readership that doesn't have the opportunity to be their in the flesh."

    For someone so articulate and proud of his writing's you would think that he would know that "their" does't always equal "there".

    "I'll give you an example Bear In Heaven didn't go over at Ottawa Bluesfest and from what the guys told me Blitzen Trapper didn't go over at High Sierra. Does that mean two of the most important bands in the world right now, with incredibly prolific songwriters, composers and players are somehow not significant or is it that their performances were lost on the audience?"

    Two of the most important bands in the world? IS this a fucking joke? Maybe they are to you my friend but the outside world sees a hell of alot more important bands than Blitzen Trapper, and I enjoy their music. Just curious... what makes one band so much more important than another?

  3. Never seen it at the Beer store... found it at my local LC today.

    It definitely has a distinct American microbrew feel to it...similar to a Sierra Nevada or other IPA's but less abv at 5%.

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