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Davey Boy 2.0

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Everything posted by Davey Boy 2.0

  1. lots of ground to make up- the 'mouth' one is leading by 60-some votes ::feels suddens craving for coffee:: [color:#cccccc]::...and coffee flavoured condoms::
  2. Meanwhile, Canada's so-called Prince of Pot — well-known Vancouver drug activist Marc Emery — added his voice to the discussion, saying he envisioned a national drug plan in which marijuana could be taxed, controlled and regulated in the same way as liquor is in provinces. "You would find that if you applied that to marijuana and any other controlled substance, we would reduce the gang influence, reduce crime in general," he argued from Vancouver. "Marijuana won't kill you and we love marijuana. The five million Canadians who use marijuana cherish it like Christians cherish their religion, or a gourmand cherishes good food," he said. The government, he added, doesn't focus on cracking down in the same way on other harmful substances such as alcohol, tobacco, and fatty foods. "Those things all kill you," he said. Emery is currently facing possible extradition to the U.S. to answer to charges of drug trafficking for selling marijuana seeds to Americans over the internet.
  3. #297 Songs That Remind You of Autumn 1. Bob Dylan - Fourth Time Around 2. Red House Painters - Make Like Paper 3. Led Zepplin - Ramble On 4. String Cheese Incident - Round the Wheel 5. The Gourds - Moon Gone Down 6. The Who - I'm One 7. David Sylvian - September 8. Paul Weller - Time Passes 9. The Band-King Harvest 10. Julian Cannonball Adderley - Autumn Leaves 11. 12.
  4. Cristiano Ronaldo could be found yesterday wearing dark shades and a diamond-encrusted baseball cap deliberately pulled low to conceal the gash above his right eye, inflicted by a flailing elbow during Manchester United's 1-0 victory over Roma. Typically, he wore the stitches like a fashion statement. "It's not a problem," he said. "In four or five days I will be beautiful once again."
  5. jebas. back to the fooking drawing board stevie looks veeeerrrrrrryy unsettled. worryingly so actually yossi ainn't linking well, leto was brutal, where the fook was masch? it'll be interesting to see what effect Xabi has when he finally gets back Lpool need a lesson in total fucking football, til that happens things are going to continue this way
  6. ollie's tongue reminds me of a girl i used to know
  7. i find it teasingly titillating
  8. i remember a 25¢ hotdog being cold too. never returned after that outrage
  9. good good, that's the channel I'm taping crouchy, sissy with the start. interesting...
  10. Out of curiosity there hux, how much did your season ticket go up in price over the years? perhaps that was a determining factor as well...
  11. sounds more like a jive turkey dinner
  12. ^ that's what i thought about the article
  13. Pair of Message Board Personalities Express Indignation Over Plastic Fans The Onion- A pair of well known message board frequenters refused to accept common sense to explain the loss of a hometown baseball team and felt compelled to point out how "...Canadians are so ridiculously pro-hockey and anti-every other sport (especially baseball)." Believing himself to be a sports revolutionary, the same personality pointedly sealed his winning argument in stating, "Take that attitude to Wrigley Field in Chicago and see how cool you are lame-ass Canadians - hockey SUCKS!" Later on he admitted via email to a friend that while he felt somewhat nervous about creating animosity he felt that it was for the good of the people that his views were shared publicly.
  14. back to actual idiots Bush vetoes child health insurance plan http://www.guardian.co.uk/worldlatest/story/0,,-6968663,00.html
  15. just a bit tabloidesque but: At last, scientists have delivered conclusive proof of what many people instinctively knew - booze makes you clever. Top boffins at the University of Auckland, New Zealand, by studying the mental performance of specially-created transgenic rats well supplied with drink, have found that moderate daily alcohol intake conferred "heightened cognition". Kiwi brainbox Maggie Kalev said she "thought it was worth pursuing, since ethanol drinking is such a common pattern of human behaviour... This is similar to a glass of wine protecting against heart disease, however the mechanism is different". Scientific American covered the pleasing biological breakthrough last week, under the headline "Don't forget: Drink a Beer - or Two - Daily!" That, of course, is excellent health advice; now backed up by cutting edge Kiwi genetically modified alco-rat research. But in fact it doesn't have to be beer, and Kalev says the brain-enhancement effects kick in at "approximately one to two drinks per day for some people or two to three for others, depending upon their size, metabolism, or genetic background" - based on the equivalent blood alcohol levels to those found in her thirsty mutant rats, anyway. It seems the rats were separated into three groups. One was put on a fairly hefty booze intake equivalent to five or six beers a day; another lot got a ration "equivalent to a level of consumption that does not exceed [the] legal driving limit" - though disappointingly they still were not allowed to drive cars. The third, luckless group of rodents were put on a temperance regime. After four weeks of heavy, moderate, or no drinking, the rats were tested to see how their brains had been affected. Unsurprisingly, the most alcoholic rats showed signs of impairment, seeming unable to recognise familiar ratty toys. According to SciAm, the booziest murines also exhibited the symptoms of the lachrymose drunk. They "performed better than their normal brethren on the emotional memory task", suggesting that they had started to ramble on tiresomely to the other rats about their ex-wives or similar. "People often drink to 'drown sorrows'," according to Kalev. "Our results suggest that this could actually paradoxically promote traumatic memories and lead to further drinking, contributing to the development of alcoholism." So remember - drinking is for happy occasions, not sad ones. The greatest revelations, however, came with the moderately-thirsty group who had the equivalent of two of three cheery ales a day. These upstanding correctly-lifestyled rats trounced the teetotallers in every area. One test in particular involved the small furry Kiwis being given an electric shock whenever they walked on a black-coloured area inside a cage. Faculties unhinged by a steady regimen of tea and fruit juice, the third group were unable to remember that the black area was painful, paying a grisly electric price for their abstinence. Regrettably, however, it appeared that in the case of alcohol brain therapy more is not better. Boffins were agreed that drinking a lot is - couterintuitively, perhaps - actually worse for you than having no booze at all. But having no booze is bad too; which means that po-faced killjoys who want to put up the already outrageous grog taxes are effectively saying that only the rich can be clever. So the best thing is to have a couple of beers each and every day without fail, even if you don't want them. Or you could have wine instead, and so benefit your heart as well as your brain. Skipping days is bad for you; especially if you then try to catch up later and drink several days' dose of brain-booster in a oner.
  16. how many times do people have to wait an hour to pay for parking before they give up and say "never again"? answer: once
  17. 'Bermuda is blaming Coco Pops for its rise up the world obesity table. The Caribbean island is now the fourth fattest country in the world, according to the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development. Bermuda's health coordinator Jennifer Attride-Stirling told The Royal Gazette newspaper: "Many people have a massive bowl of Coco Pops for breakfast every day.' - Ananova.
  18. holy shit Big Wooly Mammoth and AD are the same person
  19. tough matchup for the Gers, hopefully they'll get a point out of it still can't figure out if and where Lpool will be shown tomorrow, hopefully that channel 402 or RDS... frig i miss soccertv.com/canada.cfm !
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