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Everything posted by ollie

  1. Greaaaaaaaaaat game. If the playoffs started today though, I would not want to face New Jersey.
  2. Well that was a nice turn for the Sens.
  3. Some sick hits in the 2nd but I do not like this 1 goal lead.
  4. The Von Bondies - "C'mon, C'mon"
  5. Pink Floyd - "On The Run"
  6. The $700 is a fine, as I understand it. It doesn't buy you health care.
  7. I read that individuals that don't carry insurance will be levied with a $700 tax. I don't know if something is better than nothing if it means that *real* reform gets pushed back a few decades. The more I hear about the details of this bill the less it feels good.
  8. So, are individuals being forced to pay for this or does it mean that businesses are being forced to pay for their employees healthcare? The latter would make a little more sense. It's hard to find a concrete "just the facts" description of the bill. Is there a FAQ somewhere?
  9. I wish we could play every game in Montreal.
  10. Is Sportsnet cutting out for anyone else? I'm getting tons of digi-noise all of a sudden.
  11. We settled for #s 002 and 003.
  12. Thanks Brad! Wish I knew you were going so I could ask you to pick me up a pair!
  13. Only if the Habs start Price. That was gold Dave.
  14. Now as in, if I go to Vertigo records after work today I will be able to buy tickets? I know that sounds like a dumb question but stupider things have happened. P.S. No I will not pick up tickets for anyone.
  15. Just another example of exploiting young amateur athletes for cash, most of whom won't even get a sniff of the pros. It's sad really.
  16. Here's a fun way to kill some time. Make sure to read each one of the follow-up articles. Lady Gaga, The Illuminati Puppet
  17. Addition by subtraction?
  18. No Ottawa date?! :dance:
  19. Listening to a good quality version of this reveals that Phish did a really good job with the music, too bad Trey can't sing too well -- though he does a decent approximation of Peter Gabriel, much better than this take on Phil Collins on No Reply At All. Mike Gordon and Fishman in particular are really strong on Watcher Of The Skies. I hope they include it in their live repetoire from now on. http://www.mediafire.com/?1qz1kzzf12t
  20. If anyone has links to high quality audio/video please post here, thanks!
  21. Yeah, hard to tell how they really were based on the shit audio but Watcher of the Skies sounded good and No Reply At All sucked. I just never guessed they'd play a Genesis pop song. In that vain Turn It On Again would have been much, much better. Trey's speech was totally geared towards Genesis geeks. I loved it. The Stooges were great.
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