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Posts posted by aberg83

  1. Hey, is anyone going to Barrymore's tonight to catch these guys? I'm so excited to see this show. They're performing a comprehensive history of Pink Floyd... with songs from the early Syd Barrett days up to the time Roger left the band. Should be amazing. I've heard many good things about this tribute band. Anyone who's into Floyd MUST go smile.gif" border="0 Hope to see some people there! Ciao.

  2. I've never been more excited for a hockey game ever in my life. This is big. I'm thinking breakaway goal by Sakic in overtime for the win... 3-2 Canada. A shootout would just be too much to handle. I remember back in 94, I felt like I was going to shit my pants every 10 seconds. I don't think I could handle that today. But yeah, 3-2 for the good guys.

  3. Oh, I have a question for you since you're the doorman.... Now maybe this isn't a very kosher idea... but I've got two friends who are 18 that are dying to see tonight's show... is there any way you can put x's on their hands when we arrive so that they can see the show with me? Can that be done? If so, that would be really excellent. Let me know. Thanks!

  4. Well, I could definitely make your site, which is already quite nice, look even more professional. I'm quite skilled with photoshop, and I know a little bit of javascript. I don't really have rates or anything, as web design is just a hobby of mine.

  5. Hello, dave, jay, or shane... are you guys looking for someone to work on your website? I'm good at website building, and would gladly volunteer to keep it up to date with updates and postings live music on it. What do you all think?

  6. I won't be able to make it to the show unfortunately... all I need is a connection to the soundboard... nothing special. I just need to know that the soundguy will have no problem with it and will help me get my cables hooked in. I have RCA, 1/4", or digital optical cables.. so I'm sure the board will have outs for 1 or more of those... if you could ask/check for me tonight, that would be awesome!

  7. Howdy, what do you guys know about the possibilities of getting a soundboard patch at the dekcuf? I'm referring to the nero show on saturday... I know I ask too many questions, but I like reassurance. It keeps me from spontaneously combusting, if that makes any sense. NO! DSlfjsldkgjsd Long day, ...

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