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Posts posted by LJFH

  1. says someone else:

    Getting to Mary Ann Falls is an easy 5-10 minute walk. As you walk along, you'll first see the falls from a bridge, then you continue on and descend a set of stairs and platforms. To get down to the swimming area or to get an even better view of the falls, you'll need to climb down the rocks. This is a nice spot to take a refreshing swim. Much to my horror, my kids climbed up the rocks to enjoy a free fall into the water, but they've only done what thousands of kids did before them. If you feel the need to do this, make sure you know where the safest place is to jump. The big rocks on the further side make a great place to have a picnic or to sit and enjoy all the good things in life. Mary Ann Falls is also part of a fairly easy 6.5km cross-country trail. On a nice winter day, you can't beat the beauty and tranquility of the area. Parks Canada has a website that describes this trail and others in the area: http://www.pc.gc.ca/pn-np/ns/cbreton/activ/activ6_E.asp#02. Mary Ann Falls is about 30km north of Ingonish, in Broad Cove

  2. I want to go home now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Don't forget to go to MaryAnne Falls...when you get to Ingonish....there is a little road off the highway on the left. It goes up into the woods for about 15 minutes or so...when you get there....beautiful swimming holes....three tiers of waterfall and at teh bottom of each a crystal clear pool of water. Lots of place to jump from, a nice "whirlpool" and a rock slide...

    If you can't find it...ask a local. You WON'T regret it.

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