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Posts posted by LJFH

  1. This was my first time seeing Ryan and I can't say I was displeased in ANY way. Except for the dumbasses who paid $30US to go see him and the proceeded to TALK through the entire thing. All I could think was in the words of Jeff Tweedy "If you want to go get drunk and talk, why did you waste $35 to come see me?"

    I didn't know what to expect from him live musically, but I can tell you I was blown away. This man has superb control over his voice and had me floored from the first song. I had goosebumps...and I NEVER get goosebumps at shows anymore...it was like he awakened a part of me I forgot was there...I appreciate the entire thing. I don't care how long or short it was.....it's quality, not quantity that matters.

    All I can say is thank you Ryan. I smiled the entire four hour drive back home to Canada!!!

  2. I made this yesterday,..had it last night. Suffice to say, there IS NO CHICKEN LEFT...we ate it all....soooooo goood.

    Cam up with the idea to make an indian type one next...rub cumin, corriander, thyme, curry, tumeric and garam masala on it.......mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

  3. Playing at the Bytown cinema Tuesday night at 6:15

    Metropolis is a silent science fiction film created by the famed Austrian director Fritz Lang. Produced in Germany in the Babelsberg Studios during the brief years of the Weimar Republic and released in 1927, it was the most expensive silent film of the time, costing approximately 7 million Reichsmark (equivalent to around $200 million in 2005) to make.[1] The screenplay was written in 1924 by Lang and his wife, Thea von Harbou, and novelized by von Harbou in 1926. It is set in a futuristic urban dystopia, and, like its contemporary The Battleship Potemkin, addresses the then-current political themes of capitalism vs. communism.

    The film is set in the year 2026, in the extraordinary Gothic skyscrapers of a corporate city-state, the Metropolis of the title. Society has been divided into two rigid groups: one of planners or thinkers, who live high above the earth in luxury, and another of workers who live underground toiling to sustain the lives of the privileged. The city is run by Johhan 'John' Fredersen.

    see more here:


  4. Theme: Songs about guns or have a gun mentioned in the title.

    1. Tom Waits - 16 Shells From a Thirty-aught-Six

    2. Warren Zevon - Lawyers, Guns, and Money

    3. Johnny Cash - Don't Take Your Guns to Town

    4. The Beatles - Happiness Is A Warm Gun

    5. Slade - In Like a Shot (From My Gun)

    6. KISS - Love Gun

    7. The Clash - Guns of Brixton

    8. The Specials - Guns of Navarone

    9. Aerosmith - Janie's got a gun




  5. I'm sorry when I have a drink of yummy delicious milk and then realize there is one less drink of yummy delicious milk in my glass.

    I'm sorry when I have to get up and go to work.

    I'm sorry when I go to a party and know when I wake up the next day with a hangover, I'm going to be sorry.


    This is fun.

  6. I love the Bus...and I don't care if anyone else does...cause I wil be there to see them with a HUGE smile on my face no matter where they choose to go with their music...cause I've loved all of it from the beginning and continue to love what they are doing.

    That is all.

    Have a snice day!

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