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Posts posted by LJFH

  1. In NW's defence I would say that with a few dozen strokes of the corporate pen the world could be in much much better shape than if 80% of us did everything we could around the house or in personal way on a day-to-day basis (shopping bags, walking or cycling to work, energy and water efficiency etc etc;)

    but the flipside---> the more we all do the more time it buys us, so yes i would also say that it's all worthwhile if only to prolong what seems at this point to be the inevitable

    I totally understand where NW is coming from...it is frustrating to see that...but even regardless. I wouldn't stop recycling or caring just because the big corporations don't.

  2. LJFH sorry to make you sad, but its reality.

    One (or even a 1000) people washing a ziploc doesn't put a dent into the 500-1000 M of shrink wrap that goes into the garbage when a GOSS Press starts bundling its papers. This is about the equivalent of an original VW Bug if it were solid and the same shape. There are 1600 of these presses operating DAILY worldwide.

    Businesses just won't pay to recycle- it costs too much. And people (no matter how granola) shop for the best price. So therefore the people that won't pay high prices make the businesses react by cutting costs (on things like recycling).

    Its economics and until we all live in grass huts, sharing nuts and berries, and are skipping merrily down the path to enlightenment- batten down the hatches Becky its a mean ol world.

    I know people get frustrated by thoughts/ people "like" me, but I didn't get this way by choice or even education- reality kicked my darkness till it bled daylight.

    I still call bull5hit...and I'll use this analogy.. If everyone else jumped off a bridge, would you? Just because big corporations suck and can't be bothered to recycle or care about the environment, doesn't give you ANY excuse to do the same. I think that's just a cop out.

  3. Not to rain on anyones Recycle and Save the World campaign, but as an employee of a big business (and a very very small big business at that) and having access to the production facility, basement etc. It would shock and sadden you to see the amounts of raw materials that are thrown out each day.

    We are just a small drop, a drop nonetheless- but when you put in in perspective it feels helpless doesn't it?

    Like our emissions control in Ontario is making an impact on global warming?- when you think about the 1,000,000+ 40 year old diesel vehicles all over China and Russia that are spewing out raw carcinogens. Our little Honda Accords are the least of the planets concern.

    A little pig headed I know, but even my "green" city buses spew fumes, lay oil all over the pavement and are left idling for hours on end. I used to recycle, car pool and everything but I don't think it did one lick of good (especially if your $11 cheese is ruined by not spending 0.03 on a new bag).


    Dude, sadly it's that kind of "oh well, everyone else is polluting, so why bother" kind of attitude that makes me grouchy.

    I can't stop anyone else from doing it, but I"m sure as hell going to take responsibility for my own actions. Then at least I know I did what I could.

  4. I don't think you're nuts. I do it all the time. I also rinse out my milk bags (the clear ones the milk actually is in), then I slice the top open so they are like a small bag and use them for any number of things. My grandmother used to do this...and I can't throw them away now cause I know she hardly ever bought ziplocs, cause she already had so many milk bags.

  5. I was on the phone at my desk this morning...(not on a work related call mind you, but...this girl comes up and stands right in front of me.

    Instead of acknowledging that I was on the phone, leaving and coming back later when I wasn't busy, she proceeds to stand there...which meant that I couldn't have a private conversation as she was now the third party to it.

    When I put the person on hold for a second to see what she wanted, she goes "oh, sorry". As if!

    Why are people so damn ignorant.....grrrrrr

  6. Theme: Songs about places that start with the letter "c"

    1. Allison Kraus and Union Station - Choctaw Hayride

    2. Tom Petty - California (thanx Miranda)

    3. Parliament - Chocolate City

    4. Ekoostik Hookah - Caribou

    5. Ween - Chocolate Town

    6. Frank Zappa - Canarsie

    7. Frank Zappa - Camarillo Brillo

    8. Japan - Canton

    9. The Band - Caledonia Mission

    10. Robert Stanley Weir - O Canada! (music by Calixa Lavallée)

    11. N.W.A. - Straight Outta Compton

    12. Steve Earl - Copperhead Road

  7. THE BEACHES. Pretty, lots of green space, the beach, where your dog can go off leash, dog friendly neighbourhood, nice young contingent, great houses, funky shops, restaurants, 5 minutes to Little India and Chinatown East, 15 minutes from the Danforth and you are only about 15 minutes away from downtown.

    Nuf said.

  8. New List: Songs by artists you hope get added to Bonnaroo (whether or not it's likely).

    1. Doc Watson - Roll in my Sweet Baby's Arms

    2. Prince - Delirious

    3. nero - Breakline (with a horn section)

    4. Old & in the Way (original line-up with Jerry, Vassar & John Kahn) - Catfish John

    5. Cracker - I Ride My Bike

    6. Neutral Milk Hotel - Holland, 1945

    7. Tom Waits - Better Off Without a Wife

    8. Bob Dylan - Up To Me (for TimmyB)

    9. Buffalo Springfield - Mr. Soul

    10. Radiohead - Like Spinning Plates

    11.Rage against the machine - Killing in the name of


  9. New List: Songs by artists you hope get added to Bonnaroo (whether or not it's likely).

    1. Doc Watson - Roll in my Sweet Baby's Arms

    2. Prince - Delirious

    3. nero - Breakline (with a horn section)

    4. Old & in the Way (original line-up with Jerry, Vassar & John Kahn) - Catfish John

    5. Cracker - I Ride My Bike

    6. Neutral Milk Hotel - Holland, 1945

    7. Tom Waits - Better Off Without a Wife

    8. Bob Dylan - Up To Me (for TimmyB)

    9. Buffalo Springfield - Mr. Soul

    10. Radiohead - Like Spinning Plates



  10. new list: songs that you want to hear at Roo 07 (based on the new lineup)

    1. Flaming Lips - Ego Tripping at the Gates of Hell

    2. The White Stripes- Ball & Biscuit

    3. TOOL- Parabole/Parabola

    4. Ween - Buckingham Green

    5. Damien Rice - 9 Crimes

    6. The Police - Canary In A Coalmine

    7. TOOL - Prison Sex






    I LOVE TOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. new list: songs that you want to hear at Roo 07 (based on the new lineup)

    1. Flaming Lips - Ego Tripping at the Gates of Hell

    2. The White Stripes- Ball & Biscuit

    3. TOOL- Parabole/Parabola

    4. Ween - Buckingham Green

    5. Damien Rice - 9 Crimes

    6. The Police - Canary In A Coalmine

    7. TOOL - Prison Sex






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