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Posts posted by boogieknight

  1. Cans? Of Lucky? When I was in B.C., EVERYONE drank out of cans... (Are they still cheaper than bottles out there?).

    When I first moved out to the coast my buddy told me the reason people drink out of cans is because the won't break in your 4 X 4. This was while he was driving around a motor cross track in his huge monster truck.

  2. okay sorry ahess6488 that i didn't use the exact laugage you were looking for to clearly define my point. You should get together with my high school english teacher, as she seemed to have the same problems with my writing.

    i guess the reason that i used that language is that all of the people I have known to be arrested I have supported them with care and compassion, even when they were in the wrong.

  3. But using personal pleasure as a reason to break a current law, no matter how unjust that law might be, doesn't really fly with me.

    Outside of medical users why do people smoke pot? for personal reasons/pleasure. I'm not making issues with whether or not the law is unjust, i just think it sucks those people got arrested and i feel bad for the experience they are going to have to go through, just like i would if any of you got arrested.

  4. okay, i thought we were talking about personal drug use here, not sex with children, rape or murder. Really, the piont i was trying to make is that any of the people arrested could have been someone you know. yes they took a chance, likely based on the fact that in previous years jamming some weed in your undies wasn't a problem and now they have to pay the price. Passing judgement, calling them stupid and saying they deserve it is kind of fu©ked and have to wonder if you'd feel that way if it was someone you knew.

    having known many a good friend that has been arrested and locked up in prison, i have compassion for people that get arrested for wanting altering their consciencness.

  5. nobody deserves to get busted. This same thing could easily happen at a come together or evolve. would people deserve to get busted then? people are just trying to do what they like to have a good time. yes there is always a risk when you particpate in something that has been deemed illegal by governments but that doesn't mean that they DESERVE to be arrested. Don't you see the danger in this logic? Anytime you take, or buy or particpate in taking illegal drugs you run the risk of being arrested and so does the person you sold/gave them to you, which chances is are is someone you know or care about. would you deserve it? or do only people you don't know deserve to be arrested?

    This isn't a personal attack on anyone but really when something you like to do and really have right to do is deemed iilegal by a government it sucks and when your freedom is taken away because of it is just wrong and nobody deserves that

  6. PP I do agree with you - and Tube I must be a pothead because I hadn't thought of the dogs.

    easy to say looking from the outside but if you've ever had someone you know arrested for any reason it sucks and they always deserve compasssion and support.


    because that's what people who have compassion do and when you care about people you always try to help them anyway you can, both with the ups and the downs

  7. After reading this in another thread I thought this would make a good QOTD.

    "What is something you believe to be true but cannot prove or be proven?"

    I believe that we are all actually just a part of some greater being or universe. Like cells in the body, we are all connected and really when you look deep enough all matter is made up of the same thing.

    Also, I believe music is the expression of the creative forces that make up our infinate unvierse.

  8. generally they play every friday, but things get switched around as they tour more. Friday the 28th is the 1st friday show and on the 29th they open for joel plaskett which will be one hell of a show. both of these bands rock. anyone else from the patchtown crew thinking about hitting up this double bill?

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