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Posts posted by boogieknight

  1. i remember a story one of my university professors told about a special peruvian tea. Apparently they were working up on some mountian and had to carry all this gear. He was having a really hard time with the lack of O2 so the team decided to take a break. There were some native peruvians helping and one of the women made some tea for everyone. after drinking this tea everyone was feeling energize and finished the work with no problems. when asked about the tea the women told them it was COCA tea. talk about getting a boost in the morning. coffee ain't got sh!t on coca tea.

  2. BradM,

    I too have a roadstar II. mine is blue with snazzy blue pick ups. I picked it up for $99 usd. For the money ibanez makes some nice guitars. As for the Ue-400, i'll keep my eyes out for a foot controller. I come across these units once in a while. another option would be to have someone make one for you. with the schematics any eletronic guy should be able to whip one up for you. I have seen a UE-400 sell for $100 usd a couple time, so that might be an option.

  3. boogieknight I have to tell you that Stage Hog intrigues me. Is there even a switch on that thing, or is it meant to be left on at all times as a sort of pre-amp?

    The version I have has a stomp button on it. the new versions have a foot pedal. The Stage Hog is a 1 watt, all-tube guitar amp that doubles as a distortion pedal and a practice amp.

    stage hog

    Yes nothing beats the tone of a fully driven tube amp. Currently i'm using a late 60's fender super. So warm it could melt butter. I've been waiting for a year for my custom Stephenson 40 Watt Reverb Head. I should be getting it some time next month. The wait has been killing me.

    The reason I collect effect pedals is because i like to have lots of different sonic possiblities in the studio, but nothing can beat the pure tone of a guitar plugged striaght into a nice amp.

    Do you guys have any other peices of gear you can't live without or wish you had? For my i just love my mutron 3. coolest auto filter of all time


  4. Anyone want to talk distortion? What are you currently using? what is your favorite or what would you use if you could have any distortion box ever made?

    Currently I'm using 2 different pedals

    1) a stevenson stage hog (all tube amp/distortion)


    and a Ibanez TS 808


    I also have a mxr distortion+, ampeg scrambler, Jacques Stompboxes wercer Box, big muff phi(hee hee) and an old ross distortion. Anyone got any recommondations on some new distortion pedals? I am on a waiting list for an analog king of tone pedal but was told it is going to be a few months before i get one.

  5. And if a man among you got no sin upon his hand

    Let him cast a stone at me for playing in the band.

    man i love that line. It is the money shot in this tune.

    can't i can pick a 1 fav though. just so many contenders that can't pick just 1.

    eyes>playing>scalet>playin>uncle johns (dicks pick 31. best single disc from a dicks pick)

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