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Posts posted by boogieknight

  1. Ya i think if i was going to get a pedal compressor it would the bi-comp. a keely would be cool but i think the bi-comp would offer more options.

    Has anyone used or heard a guitar with the Buzz Feiten Tuning System? sounds pretty interesting with some pretty big indorsments.

    "For as long as I can remember, the guitars that my fellow classical guitarists and I have played always sounded slightly out-of-tune and I just assumed that tuning our instruments was always a matter of compromise - that they would never sound perfectly in tune in the upper frets if the open strings were in pitch. Having recently discovered Buzz Feiten's amazing system, I realize that what I had always believed is untrue. A guitar can be in tune in any fret! I would highly recommend his revolutionary approach to guitar tuning for any performer or builder, no matter what style. It will change your life. - Liona Boyd

    I've been playing guitar since I was six years old, and it's finally in tune. Congratulations." - Larry Carlton

    here's the link in tune

  2. wow lots to chew on this morning. so here goes....

    anybody know of any products that 'make you sound better'


    ...ideally i'd hit 11hz and go nice and crisp


    I've always been impressed by John Fogerty who, to this day, still uses absolutely no gadgets or technology whatsoever. Guitar > (volume pedal) > amplifier.

    JF does rock. CCR is one of those bands that is so good and have been played so much that you almost take them for granted. He is an amazing song writer. Canned Beats and i went to school together for studio recording which is why we love all the gadget talk. Once the gear bug has bitten then it's nothing but rehab for us gear junkies. The bottom line is that tone really comes from your soul and is expressed through you body to your guitar. if your soul,(and countless hour of commitment[re:practice])aren't in it then all the effects in the world aren't going to make you sound better.

    As for compressor, i've used them in all diferent kind of spots but found that i like them best as a tool for tracking or if you want that squashed tele nashville sound (dynacomp) or those srceaming sustains (ross). I have been getting lots of recommondations for analogmans bi-comp. lots of positive reviews. also menatone make a comp(JAC) based on the LA 2A. very trasperant that just gives you boost without affecting your tone.

    Those danalectros look cool but i can't hear them b/c i can't stand real player. it sucks. :P

  3. when it comes to guitar rigs i like the less is more in terms of tone. if it doesn't sound good just plugged straight in, it isn't going to get any beter with a big chain of effects. for recording and studio stuff the more tools you have the better or at least the more colours you have in your palette.

    as for active pick ups. i really haven't given them much thought. I have been thinking about adding a Unity-gain buffer Pre-amp, or the Strat-o-Blaster made by alembic This helps to boost the output of your signal without changing your tone.

    So today I was thinking about compressors? Like, dislike?? any favorites? I have used one in my signal chain but find i keep taking it out. Just seems the the range is greater without it. It does have some good applications though.

    part b to the compessor discussion is where in the chain do you use it? front or back end?

  4. for all around usabilty i would think about the DL4. it can do alot of different things and for the money sound pretty good. you could look at the rackmount version called the echo pro, which i just found out has been discontinued due to poor sales. it orginally listed for 699 but i've seen a couple for under 400. if you want to go vintage you can sometimes find a roland space echo (the 201 or 301) for under 400 on ebay or in stores. Also in the analog department is the ibanez AD-80 which is very nice and can be found for 100-250 and the MXR green delay also analog. this is the delay that Jerry used in the mid 70's to early eighties.

    There is a blue face mxr on ebay right now, currently at $125usd. i've seen these go cheap before. I have a manual for it if you did decide to go for it.

    blue face delay

    a couple other cool delays are the moogerfooger MF 104 and the way huge Aqua-Puss Analog Delay both are no longer in production and usually sell for over 400 usd.

    oh don't forget the Electro-Harmonix Deluxe Memory Man. I had one on loan for a couple of weeks and i just couldn't get into it. I found it kind of edgey and didn't really seem that warm for an analog delay. I found that with most Electro-Harmonix pedals the orginals beat out the reissues in tone. I am interested in their POG (Polyphonic octave generator)


    but i'll save that discussion for another day :)

  5. I had a standel(morley) del ray oil can delay which was really cool. I ended up selling it due to getting an offer i couldn't refuse, but i know i will come to regret it one day. I do have a morley evo-1 which is an oilcan delay with a footpedal controller. This is way i decided to part with my other oilcan delay. Oilcans are a totally different beast and have a totally unique sound


    also i forgot that i have a old blue face mxr digital delay. it was one of the 1st digital delays on the market back in the day. I haven't had much of a chance to use b/c it is packed away with all my home studio gear.


    ps. nice to see you around these parts again Tungsten G.

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