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Posts posted by M

  1. This was the third of three incredible shows I saw in NYC this past weekend. The venue was Battery Park... it was a free show, sunny gorgeous day, beautiful waterside view of the Statue of Liberty... not a bad way to spend the 4th of July (although I'm not pro-American by any means, I feel it was an ok thing to do given that I had rung in Canada day w/ Apostle of Hustle a few days prior @ NYC's Mercury Lounge).

    Coming off an all you can drink Mimosa brunch.. and with a 4:20pm set start time, this was the perfect cap to the weekend... Malkmus and band were on their game... looked like they were having a blast... couldn't have asked for more.

    Set list was as follows::

    dynamic calories


    post paint

    pencil rot

    water & a seat

    animal midnite

    it kills

    baby cmon

    church on white :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:


    dark wave

    loud clowd crowd

    jo-jo's jacket

    witch mountain

    All around thumbs up for this show!!!


  2. Wow... saw Apostle of Hustle last night at the Mercury Lounge in New York City... what a show!!! Those boys (and lady) are in Toronto tonight, playing Harbourfront Centre FREE show w/ Feist... a must see for all in town.

    More to come later, review wise, but tight, sonic magic music w. flair it was!!!

    Enjoy and Happy Canada Day!!!!


    :D :D :D

  3. hey M

    Are you talking about Neil Morrison? I've always thought he'd be a fun guy to party with. He has a funny segment on his show every day where callers phone him and use the term 'sons-of-bitches' in their question or statement, it's strange but funny. fyi: The FOX is a typical rock radio station with a very small and annoying play-list.

    Hey Weezy.. it is indeed Mr. Neil Morrisson! :D Hysterical fellow.

  4. Bye bye Rob! Glad we had a chance to party in O-town before you headed out. Safe travels and keep in touch - - I might be out there later on this summer visiting some folks.

    Make sure to set your dial to the FOX when you get there.. not the best radio station (kinda rocky I think - I guess a Q107 / CFNY merge) but a good buddy of mine (displaced Torontonian - Brother Bill) w/ a lovely sense of humour is the weekday DJ from 10am to 3pm... you can bug him on air to play some GOOD music!!! :D

    Take care mister,



  5. Just wanted to add, if you find another organization that could use them as well, totally use your judgement as to what you'd like to donate to. I don't want to pressure you into this charity simply b/c I was the first post to respond. :)

    So - if there are other folks out there that are interested / have deserving causes, please post as well. It's always great to see any help going to a good cause.

    ST - If you do end up being interested I think the info that the charity would need on their end would be around how much memory is on them & what size are the hard drives. I can take care of getting operating systems installed.

  6. Hi Secondtube,

    My family is involved w/ a charitable organization called "Romero house" that helps refugees in our community. They are always looking for new computers and would for sure be interested - - my folks in fact just dropped off one today to them!

    Here's a link to some info on the charity...

    If you're interested, I can arrange to pick them up.




  7. Hey KM,

    I read this article in Feb... pretty interesting so I dug it up for you... I've seen this graffiti all around Toronto...

    from eye magazine - 02.10.05

    Who loves us, baby?

    VARIOUS LOCATIONS -- Sharon Harris can never be told "I love you" too many times, or by too many people. It's not because she's needy or insecure or confused. It's her job.

    When Harris moved to Toronto in 1992 in her early twenties, she wanted to be a poet. "I wrote these Christian Bök-style love poems," she says, "but they were always very bad. It was like, 'Oh, look -- another love poem. Great.'"

    But then, one day in 2001, Harris was walking along Harbord Street and saw some graffiti that -- it's cheesy but entirely true to say -- changed her life forever. All it said, in simple blue letters, was "I Love You."

    "When I saw those words," Harris says, "it felt like my life had fallen into place."

    The same tag, she found out, hadn't just been sprayed on Harbord, but on dozens of locations across town: from Spadina to Keele, from the Gardiner Expressway up to St. Clair Avenue. It was in alleys, on main streets, under bridges, at bus stops, on school walls, at subway stations -- everywhere, I Love You I Love You I Love You, in the same blue spray paint, in the same handwriting.

    "I was obsessed," Harris says. "I started taking photographs of every tag. Friends would call me if they saw a new one. Once, I was so excited to find an I Love You outside Christie station, I crossed the road and got hit by a truck."

    Harris has now posted 102 separate tag photos on her website, www.iloveyougalleries.com, along with a map and walking tour. (She found the latest one at Spadina and Bloor, by the streetcar tunnel, last fall.)

    Three years ago, Harris even met Stephen, the father of her seven-month-old child, when he showed her an I Love You on Keele and Dundas. "He's very supportive of this," she says.

    Recently, Harris -- who's finally preparing her own volume of poetry -- has also begun to look at the concept of "I Love You" as a cultural study, researching how the phrase reoccurs in art, music, literature and, most of all, in kitsch. She's given a talk on the subject at Jay MillAr's speakEasy reading series, and is researching a book on the subject.

    "I've found some really tacky, horrible things," Harris says. "A lot from eBay. Every kind of stuffed animal you can imagine. A cartoon stamp from Korea that says 'I Love You.' A little magnet that says 'Of course I love you, now get me a beer.' A picture of Christ on the cross with his arms outstretched, and the caption 'I Love You... this much.'"

    The identity of her graffiti artist remains elusive, however. "I'd love to find out who did them," Harris says. "But then again, maybe I'm better off not knowing -- to keep it as this mysterious message of universal love.

    "And of course," she says, "it could just be some guy stalking his girlfriend."


  8. MICE!!!! I hate the little fuckers. And they like to terrorize me.

    Our old apartment, one ran right at me and I ran upstairs, packed my bags standing on my bed while my friend laughed at me the whole time. I called Mike and Jer (who were playing on the east coast) SCREAMING. (Like they could help from out there!!!) I then moved into my friend’s place until the boys got back from the east coast and an exterminator was called. I needed to drink whiskey for 4 hours before I stopped shaking.

    Then, at our latest apartment, I saw one in the kitchen once. Again, boys out on tour. I ran up to my room and sat on my bed in a corner facing the wall & crying until Derrick could came over to calm me down. This happened in February, we got an exterminator very soon after and haven’t seen once since… but ONLY THIS WEEK have I been able to go into the kitchen. The poor boys have been very nice about getting things from there for me up until now.

    The other week I was in the Boston airport having a pint when a little fucker ran at me. I let out a blood curdling scream and jumped on my chair and continued to scream. Of course noone else in the bar saw the mouse b/c my high pitched wail had frightened it away so I was just the crazy girl screaming on a chair in a bar.

    Ugh, I hate those fuckers. I think that’s my only phobia but it’s a big one!!!


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