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Posts posted by Patchoulia

  1. Hey, kids, it's time for another fun-filled round of everybody's favourite party game: My Band's Better Than Your Band!!

    Today's contestants:

    A jam-trance 4-piece out of Philadelphia who enjoy rock-climbing, the Phillies & "Getting Out the Vote"--The Disco Biscuits!


    Together since 1997, this prog-rock-jam outfit calls Chicago home and enjoys long walks on the beach, holding hands and chili cook-offs--Umphrey's McGee!!

    Let's hear it for our contestants!

  2. And we are going to Chicago later this month...



    "Add Samuel Randall to the list of "Chicago People Who We Need To Party With." Randall was arrested yesterday for possession of six pounds of cannabis. That amount has a street value of $18,000 or enough to get one through an East Coast leg of a Phish tour. Zing! Randall was pulled over by police after he was spotted driving the wrong way down a one-way street yesterday afternoon. During the stop, officers spotted two bags of the wacky weed in one of the car's cup holders and smelled the rest in a shopping bag on the front seat. Everyone knows you hide that stuff in the spare tire wheel well in the trunk. Though, judging by the mug shot, it appears as if Randall was sampling his own product too much to think through the haze."

  3. To the Girl Who Took a Dump in the Art Institute Parking Lot! - m4w

    Date: 2008-12-03, 11:53PM PST

    I mean, come on!

    It was like 50 paces to the nearest restroom!

    I sat there in my car wondering what the hell you were up to - you spent at least 2 minutes scurrying around your parked car, looking to see if the coast was clear. I thought you were going to, like, break into someone else's car or something. Then I guessed you thought you were "safe" and hurried to the front of your car, near the third level stairwell, dropped your pants, squatted and WENT TO IT!

    For Christ's sake, woman! All the time you spent looking out for passing cars so no one would see you crapping like a dog in public, you could have hustled your lazy ass downstairs and into the building and USED THE DAMNED RESTROOM!


    Anyway - if you're free later, drop me a line. I was never more turned on in my life.


  4. I suppose you could add tofu or seitan to this (or chicken or shrimp, if you were so inclined), but I like it just the way it is.

    1 lb veggies (I used mushrooms, red & green bell peppers & asparagus--but I don't think it matters all that much, use what you like)

    2 heads (heads?) of baby bok choy

    2 jalapeno peppers

    1 can lite coconut milk

    5 cloves garlic (I really like garlic..I'm sure 3 would suffice..)

    Fresh basil leaves (about 10), chopped

    1 teaspoon lemon zest

    1 teaspoon lime zest

    1 tablespoon tamari (or soy sauce)

    1 tablespoon red pepper flakes (I like it really it spicy--1/2 would probably work)

    1 tablespoon lime juice

    In blender, combine jalapenos, garlic, lemon & lime zest and coconut milk--blend until liquified.

    Stir-fry veggies for a few minutes, add sauce, allow to simmer for about 10 minutes.

    Add chopped up basil, tamari, red pepper flakes & lime juice. Allow to simmer for a couple more minutes.

    Serve over cooked brown rice.

  5. I lived in K-town for 5 years and never experienced the Hoagie House..primarily because of the rumours that circulated about how gross it was and how people found all sorts of inedible stuff in their sandwiches (i.e. hair' date=' vomit, elastics, etc.)[/quote']

    I've lived in Kingston 32 years and only 4 times have I found something inedible in my Hoagie.


    So...do tell..what were the 4 items?

  6. My dad fed me a lot of gross things (probably contributed to my becoming vegetarian).

    He was a very old school, meat 'n' potatoes guy, lived through the depression etc so there were a lot of odd repugnant meals in the regular rotation.

    The worst was (and I am gagging just thinking about it) pork hocks. As a kid, I never questioned what exactly a "hock" was..probably my subconscious trying to protect me from the revolting reality. Ick. Pork hocks & sauerkraut.

    I still like sauerkraut, though.

  7. From Jack in the Box:

    Cheesy Macaroni Bites

    Yep. That's right. Battered & deep-fried KD (basically).


    Nutritional Information:

    Jack's Cheesy Macaroni Bits, 6 pieces, has 440 calories, 230 calories from fat, 25 grams fat, 10 grams saturated fat, 4 grams trans fat, 30 mg cholesterol, 1220 mg sodium, 21 grams carbs, 2 grams fiber, 3 grams sugars and 6 grams protein.

  8. I lived in K-town for 5 years and never experienced the Hoagie House..primarily because of the rumours that circulated about how gross it was and how people found all sorts of inedible stuff in their sandwiches (i.e. hair, vomit, elastics, etc.)

  9. It was pretty much the day after all the Den Of Thieves promo shots were done that he shaved his head. They didn't re-do them, but it wasn't smiled upon either by the internals. hehe.

    You don't deserve this sort of shoddy treatment...there's only one thing you can do...demand they produce new posters including you...and then shave your head (& beard), naturally.

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