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Posts posted by Patchoulia

  1. Am I the only one who reads Post Secret, religiously, every Monday morning?


    For those of you unfamiliar with it, people send in their confessions on postcards and they are posted every Sunday...I usually find a secret to which I can relate or ones that make me wonder if someone I knew posted it.

    I think was my favourite today....


  2. God love POG/ForbinHood. I remember it like it was yesterday when Bob told me at a Mule show many years ago that he liked Round Room way more than Billy Breathes and Farmhouse.

    Would you let it go already Dave :) I was probably just trying to relay MarcO's true love for the album...

    I'm sure if Dave had his druthers, he'd let it go...my suspicion is that he still hasn't recovered from the shock of this conversation...

  3. You know, like "30 days has September" etc.

    When I was young, maybe 11 or 12, I said to my dad, "Dad, I can never remember which way is horizontal and which way is vertical..."

    He said, "Well, you know what a whore is, right?"

    Me, "Um...yeah.."

    Dad: Well, what position are they generally in when they're working? WHORE-izontal.


    It was a semi-uncomfortable conversation, but I never again forgot which was vertical and horizontal.

  4. What wasn't immediately revealed was that the fight was over the red squeaky ball...

    Basher was unavailable for comment, as he was busy getting fitted for some adult diapers so as to enjoy the pre-season Bills game/96 Cokes without having to leave his seat at the Rogers Centre during the game.

  5. I'm pretty sure she did this once before, no?

    Many months ago, maybe. I don't even remember when or the circumstances...but I thought it was overnight or when she might have been inside a long time or something...it didn't seem as alarming to me then, anyway. Disturbing, but not so seemingly random.

  6. Your daily Best of Craigslist post...

    Let us frolic in my totally dope blanket fort


    Date: 2007-03-09, 10:31AM CST

    Yes, I know what you’re saying, “dude, that blanket fort sucks.†That would not be the first time I’ve heard such short-sighted criticism. Its structural integrity is dubious at best and there isn’t a whole lot of headroom. But c’mon, it’s not like I’m a freakin’ architect or anything. Besides, this little baby is just a prototype. I have vast resources of cushions for anchoring and blankets in order to maximize square footage. My living room is just waiting to be turned into a totally sweet labyrinth of love.

    I am very open to suggestions in respect to design and construction, as I’d like this fort to be a shared vision. Much like the Taj Mahal, its intended that this little beauty will be inspired by a very special lady. Once our shelter is erected, we can move in and work on some of our higher order needs. Or we could just order a pizza and tell ghost stories. Please email me with a picture if you want to be invited to this living room party. It will be sweet.


    PS: I’m allowed to have sleepovers.

  7. So, contrary to Sharon's assertion that their dog is the best dog in the world, I'm pretty sure our dog deserves that title. She is the smartest, most obedient, well-trained, loving, hilarious dog in the world!


    Last night she was lying on the bed. She hopped off the bed, and it became apparent immediately that she had PEED on it!! Just lying there and took a whiz!

    This is completely out of character!!

    She knew she had done something wrong and slunk away and didn't come back for 40 minutes.

    Any ideas why this would happen? She had been outside plenty, so it wasn't as though she had to go and didn't get an opportunity. Additionally, when she does have to go, she always lets us know.

    I'm worried.

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