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Posts posted by Patchoulia

  1. Dearest Schwa,

    I know it's conceivable that you're busy...doing work..or packing t-shirts for Grateful Fest..or writing odes to your humerous..but, PLEASE stop doing those things. Go to Facebook and play Scrabble with me. I'm very bored.

    Thank you.



  2. Schwa, going forward, in order to assist the less informed Skanktuarians and inhibit widespread confusion, it would be appreciated if you could purple-ize your jokes.

    Also, please remember to ensure that your posts are helpful/informative and/or funny.

  3. Has anyone here read The Razor's Edge?

    I picked it up at Value Village one day (the same day I picked up "A Hearbreaking Work of Staggering Genius" at the same place, actually).

    I was absolutely blown away by that book. Oh my god.

    The Razor's Edge. W. Somerset Maugham (spelling?)Read it. Brilliant. Staggering. Genius.

    Sorry, Eggers.

  4. Actually now that I think about it, I really enjoyed the first 100 or so pages of Heartbreaking Work but was pretty annoyed with the dude by the end of it.

    Me too..though I didn't make it all the way to the end...my annoyance wouldn't allow it.

    When I first picked up the book, I erroneously presumed that it was so-titled as an ironic nod/jab in the direction of the myriad of crappy, self-reverential memoirs being put out these days.

    Turns out, I think he actually might be a genuine devotee of his own particular brand of "genius".

    He does write with a certain flair, he constructs an interesting turn of phrase...as such, I might try something else of his, but I certainly didn't love "A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius"....

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