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Posts posted by Patchoulia

  1. I have not seen "How to Get Ahead in Advertising"...is there a mole-falling-off theme of which I should be aware?

    MamaPink--It was HUGE!

    The funny thing about this particular mole was that I had a mole in that location my entire life. A teeny, tiny floppy one--that got ripped off in an amateur wrestling match* with a guy in my residence in first year university.

    Then it grew back..and kept growing..I had a dermatologist look at it a couple of years ago because it concerned me (he assured me it wasn't skin cancer). Me and the new, rapidly growing mole peacefully co-existed until its recent, unceremonious abandonment of my neck.


    *Not a cleverly veiled euphemism for anything illicit. I think it was an argument over the TV remote that got out of hand.

  2. I have..er..HAD..this mole on my neck.

    It fell off.

    Yup--fell off.

    I'm not sure if I should be alarmed by this or not.

    On one hand, people pay good money for cosmetic mole removal.

    On the other hand, I shudder to think this could be a harbinger of things to come..such as other body parts or appendages falling off.

    What's a newly moleless girl to do?

  3. In an unrelated note, the last time I was at Lee's Palace for a show (I'm not ashamed to admit it was the Spin Doctors in '05), my friend had her drink doctored (in a bad way) when she set it down while we were dancing. I've never seen anyone go from being slightly tipsy to (literally) falling down and slurring in about 20 minutes.

    This random PSA brought to you by the folks over at the Police Department and the letter "R".

  4. Oh' date=' and, fluffhead, FYI, the next time I see you (and mattyp for that matter), I will be performing (juuuuuust for you!) a rousing rendition of the Golden Girls theme song, complete with geriatric dance moves.

    Whether you like it or not...but how could you not like it? That's gold, baby, gold![/quote']

    Where's my dance ? ? ?

    Hmmm, did they ever have a crossover show between the Golden Girls and the Solid Gold Dancers?

    Sorry, Matty. I do have a sore throat--god knows I don't want to butcher the GG theme song!

  5. I had a fucking asshole landlord that perpetrated the following:

    1. Insisted upon post-dated cheques (even though, I later found out, it's illegal to do that).

    2. When he lost a cheque, requested another one. When I provided one, he proceded, 3 months later, to cash the initial cheque that I had written (my bad for not cancelling it).

    3. When I pointed out the issue, he wrote me a cheque to cover the additional money he had extracted from my bank account--when the cheque bounced, he generously offered me a free month's rent.

    4. When I told him we were moving out and were only giving him 6 weeks' notice--he put up a huge stink--despite the cheque debacle of the previous month.

    5. Shortly after indicating we were moving out, my boyfriend came home, unexpectedly, and found a locksmith, with the door off the hinges, changing the locks. oooh...it was a mistake!

    6. When I stayed in the house 2 days over the end of the month, the landlord wanted me to pay rent for those days--when I mentioned the interest he owed me for "last months rent", he claimed that wasn't right..yet he didn't fight me for it...

    Haider Khan, Toronto. Never rent from him.

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