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Posts posted by Patchoulia

  1. Sorry, I'm going to have to step in here for a well-placed Bash-mock.

    This actually happened a few days ago...

    Sitting at my house, remote in my hand, watching an episode of Sex & the City for the umpteenth time, I decided to see what else was on...

    Basher: Hey! Go back! I haven't seen that one!

    Basher's just as much a girl as the next Sex & the City loving guy, so don't take any crap from him...

  2. It's so witty and so smart and the characters are all incredibly engaging.

    It's not just the characters and the situations in which they find themselves that are interesting, the situations themselves are also intriguing. Some shows focus on the characters--the circumstances in which they find themselves are secondary to their relationships and interactions with one another etc. Some shows focus on the stories (i.e. Law & Order) and the characters themselves are somewhat peripheral. In this show, it's all fantastic--nothing is given short shrift.

    The last season was shit. But all the previous seasons are stellar. In terms of quality, it's certainly one of the best non-HBO/Showtime dramas that was ever on TV.

    Actually, as much as it was a drama, there was a lot of comedy in it, too. And the actors are all superb.

    Rent or buy the DVDs. Awesome.

  3. The oddest part about that picture is that the guy getting bitten doesn't even look all that scared or alarmed..he just looks mildly annoyed...

    Like he's thinking, "Great. Another snake biting into my face. Just what I needed today."

  4. I don't remember seeing this thread yesterday, but I think I must have subconsciously noticed it because I had a dream about going to this show (it was a fantastic show, too, btw).

    I think if you'd asked me yesterday, I would have been indifferent about going...but he totally kicked ass in my dream and now I can't wait.

  5. From Defamer.com:

    We're willing to bet that when news of Mel Gibson's DUI bust in Malibu early Friday became public later that day, the still-hungover actor probably had no idea that he would soon remember that initial report of his arrest as one of the happier, more carefree moments of his recent life.

    Since then, the simple story of "celebrity ingests too much alcohol, drives automobile too fast, and gets semi-embarrassing slap on the wrist from law enforcement officials of rich beach community" has become one of "celebrity ingests too much alcohol, drives automobile too fast, tries to run away from law enforcement officials attempting to give him semi-embarrassing slap on the wrist, is easily recaptured by law enforcement officials, threatens to commit act of sexual aggression against law enforcement officials, claims to own the rich beach community which employs law enforcement officials, promises to use vast financial resources to gain revenge upon law enforcement officials [Ed.note--Deep breath, here come the good parts], expresses belief that people of the Jewish faith are responsible for entirety of armed global conflict, tries to ascertain if law enforcement officials are members of the Jewish faith, notices presence of female law enforcement official, refers to female law enforcement official by epithet suggesting that her mammaries are made of sugar, pantomimes intention to urinate on floor of holding cell, and attempts to destroy malfunctioning phone when it fails to provide a dial tone for his legally mandated post-arrest call."

  6. Omigod, that site is hysterical!

    I've heard rumors that Mischa Barton is supposed to be attractive.

    Clearly somebody has their facts mixed up because attractive people don't look like Beetlejuice. Or space aliens. Or whatever else looks the way Mischa Barton looks.

    And what kind of expression is that? It's the face you make when somebody asks you what the square root of 12,526 is, shows you a picture of your mom having sex with the mailman, and then gives you a bag full of puppies and kittens.

    I'm pretty sure I'm going to go my entire life without ever making that expression.


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