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Posts posted by Patchoulia

  1. According to the interview with Dan in NOW this week, he's just a really quiet singer..so it's possible we just couldn't hear him...


    "It's hard for me to find people to sing with, especially in Germany, because it's not a traditional thing that they do. They don't just freely harmonize with each other. The other thing is, I've got a very quiet voice, so if I sing with people with normal voices you can't hear me at all. I just recorded absolutely for the fun of it."

  2. I can't wait until March when I can be done with Bell entirely.

    As previously mentioned in this thread, they have done nothing but screw with me since "my" first phone back in first year university.

    I haven't had a land line in a couple of years..no real point to it for me...but I still have my Bell cell (even though I work at Rogers) because I'm waiting until I can take my number with me...

    For those of you who don't know, March '07 you will be able to take your (local) cell number with you, should you want to retain it, if you change cell providers. I've had my number for 6 years and want to keep it, so I can wait a few more months. :)

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