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Posts posted by MamaPink

  1. so..... keri..... when you movin' to kitchener? ;)

    tonight on my way to Hamilton i'll throw on a bacon birthday mix and dedicate the butterfly dance to you.

    hope you have a great birthday and stuff.


  2. Relax....it'll be OK. The originl post to participate said that there was a great possibility of late delivery.....X-Mas in February...wooohooo!

    yeah, sorry - I was all worked up there for a minute. I found a paper bag to breathe in, and now i'm stable again.

    But I just want to point out that if the REAL santa had those morals... man, there'd be some sad little kids out there on boxing day, and the next day, and the day after that, and the day after that.

    I'm all worked up again...

  3. I don't think Hal Johson should get involved in a scam like this... kids really love his exercise tips.

    Hal, you have to be a good example. Next thing you know, they'll be taking down all your commercials, kids will get fat and lazy, Joanne will divorce you... sounds to me like a one-way ticket to Mr. Roger's neighborhood. Think of the children Hal...


  4. I agree with Pink. This is very rude.

    don't turn this into highschool bully scene.

    My gift is late...its been really difficult to finish but I will and I hope to not be made to feel like shit because its late...that will really take the love out and make it more difficult to finish.

    2 people agreeing that it's rude is not bullying ...it's stating the facts. You knew the deadline when you entered the exchange - and in my opinion, it was perfectly reasonable... I mean, didn't we start this whole thing in NOVEMBER?

    Seriously, no more excuses.

  5. I had a family member in rehap recently... but no one forced him to go. He kind of hit that brick wall - lost his job, his wife... it was pretty bad. I don't think it's something you can force on anyone, it's really up to them to make the decision. That way you'll know they're ready.

    My family member went to Homewood in Guelph which seemed to be great actually. I was able to visit - but they tend to keep them very busy, so you'll have to find out when visiting hours are.

    I found the whole experience to be a lot more positive then I had imagined. I thought he was basically going to jail and wouldn't be allowed to leave or see anyone. It wasn't like that at all... infact, they wanted him to experience the outside so that it wouldn't be so scary to face when he was finally released.

    I hope everything works out Blane - in my own experience I've found it to be a great thing.

  6. Hey - sorry this thread is late, but man, you throw the absolute GREATEST birthday parties!! Thank you so much for having us all over and taking us all bowling!! I had so much fun, and now I'm all sore... I pulled some bum muscles showing off my pro-bowling moves.

    I hope some pictures are posted of that night soon.. or, maybe I don't???

    I hope you had a fantastic Birthday, Marge!!!

    Love Mir


  7. Hey dancingbear - can you reveal who my secret skank is? AND all the others who haven't sent out their gifts? I think they should be centred out.

    it's been 2 months since Christmas - if you're all too busy to send out your gifts, then you shouldn't be allowed to participate.

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