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10/25/00 - Palace Theatre, Albany, NY

Set 1: On the Road, Joyful Sound > Pirates, The Road Home, Want, Outside Inside, Daryl*

Set 2: SKORT, Lost > Jam** > Mouna Bowa, Resume Man***, Black and White > Well You Needn't > Lonesome Road Blues, Howard

Encore: Superstition


* new bluegrassy tune, first time played

** with Free Falling (Tom Petty tune) jam

*** with Soul Man tease

Alright, this aint going to be pretty. All the songs seemed to mesh into one and I dont really know how to differentiate between them yet. On the Road (?)...cool opener but basically all the songs in the first set were cool. During one of them (Pirates maybe?) I was sure we were listening to The Landlady, almost the same. Want is a cool song but I am not too fond of Outside Inside yet. So at this point, Barrett and I make our way upstairs. We had been about 12th row and at one point I went up to the front row. I was touring around during this song since I am not a big fan of it. For most of the set I was thinking "These guys are great but it just aint doing to me what I thought it was going to." We get upstairs and the last song of the first set starts. All funky like with Kang playing a fiddle instead of his mandolin. Spacey and funky and cool. No idea where it was going and the BANG, full on fast bluegrass on a dime. I was sure it was a song called Lonsome Fiddle BLues but i was dang wrong. Wicked song though. 10-12 minutes I guess. SO the set is over and now I am damn excited.Then the second set starts and it is a spacey funky jazzy bluegrass number as well. Goodnight Gracie, unbelievable light show during this. Lost was cool as hell and the Free Falling screams came out of nowhere. I cant believe the energy this band can create using 'soft' instruments. Acoustic guitar and mandolin, rocks the joint. This whole set is fantastic from start to finish. At the beginning of the last number, the guitar player is talking about it being his sisters b-day and alot of east Coast family is at this show. Well, this tune is a Phish song as far as I am concerned. Crazy time signature changes and general mayhem. Then the tunes blazes to finish. So the encore comes around and Barrett and I are talking about what we have just seen. Well, we missed the coolest line of the night from one of the members of the band "Alright, so who in here had their first incident?"......DAMMIT!!!!!!!!....I DID BUDDY!!!......So if you wanna see Booche do his crazy bluegrass dance (the one I did with Crystal in front of Nero) and you want to dance with some cool fans, go get cheesed and have yourselves an Incident too. I will be seeing these guys again and again and again.........."Very superstitious, writing on the wall"

[This message has been edited by booche (edited 10-27-2000).]

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