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phil 11-16-01 SHNs for those who need 'em.


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I'm going to offer up a few copies of the show, which I've now got in SHN format, for B&P. Here's the criteria: I'm incredibly busy right now and therefore have no time to set up a tree, do a bunch of copies,etc. Also, my dsl line is screwed and I can't upload faster than 5kbps, so sharing it is nearly impossible. THerefore, I'm going to look for people who can help spread the tunes.

I'll take 2 people, and each will have a different responsibility:

1- A person who will offer the show back onto this board in AUDIO format (not SHN).

2- A person who will share it around on Direct Connect, Etree, or a similar file-transfer type medium (DC preferred).

I'll also consider one more if you were at the show and have neither a burner nor high-speed internet access.

Reply in this thread and let me know which you can do. Hope this'll work out ok.

BTW, source is Neumann KM140>EAA PSP3>AD1000>D8



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I think it's just over 1 gig. in SHN format. Not small, that's for damn sure.

If this sounds do-able (even if you were to put up set 1 for a week, then set 2 for another week), let me know and we'll make the Bouches the #1 and #2 men on the list. I'd still like to make the "snail mail" option available for those who don't have the ultra-zippy net connections (like me at this point frown.gif" border="0 ).

At any rate, keep me posted.

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