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Babylon Tonight


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Well! i'm sitting here waiting for my good crippled friend giggles to show up at my abode and i'm eating a nice jerk tofu/corn and onions dish with a coffee and oriental rice crackers wondering why i di9dn't get stirfry veetables and realizing that going to see live music is against the norm. Go to Babylon...yeah right! and see great live music?? Bah! Live music if for Yay sayers and those with personal happiness which is bad for today's society because as you know everyuone's so unhappy and nothing good goes on in the world. Bands like Nero are the problem with our country. they lead people to not complain about the wweather and want to travel to far away places.

humbug. Live music is good for you. stay away from it.

can't wait till NB! shocked.gif" border="0

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Ok well i had a blast - i was a little looped though, so i'm hoping i did nothing terrible to anyone. (quite possible - i know i scared a couple of rich kids waving their daddy's money at the bar for instance)

Anyway, i do want to thank everyone for being particularily nice to me on Sat. night. Special mentions to graham, dave, andré and lynn for taking care of me. (graham, sorry for being so huggy wink.gif" border="0 )

hey, was anyone there for the first band too? i thought they were also excellent and very nice people too, what were they called?

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The first band was Homestyle, and they dug a *deep* groove. I hadn't seen them before (though we met people outside while we were waiting to get in who came *just* to see Homestyle; they were wondering who the headline band were), and was blown away.

Anybody else itching for a Dr. Huxtable / Homestyle / Nero triple-bill?



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oh ya, i also experienced people who were wondering who nero were. i forgot about that... i remember looking at the stage before they started and asking my friend "what the? 2 bass players, 2 horns, and no guitar eh?" he assured me that it was all good - and ya, they were.

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