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That was NOT the greatest show in the world


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last night was JOKES!

too many funny moments to remember:

-playin' Mr Brownstone!

- JB's saxaphone solo with K doin' the dance

-spiderman sprayin' his web all over K's ass

-the short film of JB giving K a $10 blow job ("you don't have any money!)

-playin' Fat Albert

etc etc etc....

A lot of people were there due to hype/media. You could tell which ones they were because they either couldn't stop talking or telling jokes?!?!?

all in all good times! grin.gif" border="0

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The opener was called "The Sound Urchins"........

Oh what a night!

I arrived shortly before the D were to take the stage and settled in, not really sure what to expect. I have seen lots of video of them doing their thing, but had yet to hear/ see them "live" in a concert type context......

That was the first thing that struck me, was the hard rock context in which they performed. The smoky club, the lights, THE INTENSITY!

The first couple of songs were performed as though it was going to be a concert (ie. Come out, Rock on Song #1, say nothing to the crowd, Rock on Song #2.....) But then after the third tune, the grin grew on JB and the night was off and running.

I couldn't do this spectacle justice by describing what happened, but these were the highlights:

-Spiderman climbing up the back of the stage and then spraying JB and KG with his "web" (sillystring)

-a full blown (though slightly rearranged, and hilarious) cover of "Summer of 69", and also "Mr. Brownstone", and "Fat Albert"

-one section where JB stood behind KG asking him "play that one that goes like this", which led to "Sweet Child o Mine", "Hotel California", and "Stairway to Heaven",

-KG quitting and rejoining the band for "Kyle quit the band"

-Lee on stage to sing a tune, and dance throughout the tune "Lee" (who later handed me a Tenacious D heavy metal style guitar pick behind the stage)

-peering through the crowd searching for "Back Stage Bettys", and then announcing that the one chosen should be 'thrown back, what is she like 12?!?!')

-drop in video screens of JB, givcing KG some ghetto head in a car for $10

-practically the whole crowd with devil signs in the air all night, chanting "D" "D" "D"

-and of course telling the crowd at the end of the show:

"OK, so you may go home to your friends and say that show was OK, or Ya, the D kind of rocked. But you know in your heart and in your soul that we rocked your asses off. That we gave you the best show in world and you were ROCKED."

There were so many points when tungsten, my girlfriend and I agreed full on that "that was the funniest thing I have ever seen live"..... It happened about 5 times. I had no trouble getting in quickly, burning down, getting a cold beverage, or seeing the whole show. I was a little aprehensive at not being sure what to expect, but I got my full moneys worth last night. They were like a freakin Variety Show.

Hilarious Jokes, Power Chords, and Fist Pumpin!!!

Who could ask for more?


sean shocked.gif" border="0shocked.gif" border="0shocked.gif" border="0shocked.gif" border="0shocked.gif" border="0

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I forgot about a few cool moments, that I just relived in tears with my girlfriend.....

-Someone threw a sleeveless jean jacket on stage that had a DIO patch on the back (think flames dragons and blood), which KG proceeded to put on- after which they kicked into the beginning of three Dio songs with KG on guitar and JB on vocals which were all less than a minute at which point JB said "all right thats enough of that one".

-they started into BJoels "Piano Man" with JB altering the lyrics for KG singing "Sing us a song you're the singer....."

-after they played "Summer of 69" JB piped into one of the front row members who must have not been into the song, saying "Oh yeah, you don't like Bryan Adams? I know you do, you are just acting cool. Whats that on your shirt? Puddle of Mud? Ha Ha Puddle of Fuck"

-JB and KG duelling each other to see who could perform from the higher vantage point, stacking amps and cases up to outdo each other with JB saying "Ya those in the back, we know you paid the same amount so here you go."

-JB pointing out from the stage that this was obviously a Spiderman knockoff because (in singing) "You can see his neck", and "Those aren't officially sanctioned Spiderman Shoes, those are just Vans."

-the crowd throwing socks onto the stage when JB proclaimed (about 4 times) that "We rocked your socks off!"

-And finally the heartfelt thanks at the end with JB and KG both saying how they had never been to TO, but with the awesome welcome they received that they would be sure to come play here again really soon......

I promise thats all.

Sean grin.gif" border="0

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other memorable highlights:

- my buddy using his jedi mind trick on a scalper; he talked him down from $80 to 40!

-last night security allowed fans to bring in cameras and other recording devices; however my friend got booted because he snuck in filming the show from the soundboard section...oh well

-there was an awesome opening band too (forgot name) where they did an amazing cover of Rush's Spirit of the Radio with Jack Black singing a verse! "CONCERT HALL" (hurray) grin.gif" border="0

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