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Any of you web design geeks need a wad of cash?


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Remember my question a few weeks back about how much it costs to revamp a website? Well apparently my bud overbid on this thing and isn't prepared to do it for what they're looking to spend. He asked if I know anybody who'd take the contract. Here's the deal:

www.biomedcom.org wants to overhaul their site and add all the new fixin's (flash, animation, etc). They're apparently really nice people, but don't havea heap of money. They were hoping to pay significantly less than 10,000 dollars for a full overhaul (maybe in the 5-7k range?). Thing is, my bud's looking to pass this on to someone RELIABLE and ABLE. If you think you're interested, can you email me with links to some of your work so that I can set you up with him?



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I think we're only on the same team when it's convenient for H. Mostly, she gives me shit about all my plays. One time, in Madden 2002, she told me that my defense was shit, and that I can fuck off, all the way to the superbowl and back. So, finally, when I got to the superbowl, she was all like...."GIVE ME THE CONTROLLER! I WANNA PLAY TOO!"

So I gave it to her, pulled out the memory card and hit reset. HAHAHAH! Then I deleted all of there Gran Turismo cars, Metal Gear Solid 2 saved games, and her Tony Hawk Character!

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