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Phil in Bozeman..review


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THANKS Solar Garlic!

I will/love reading any Phil info.

Something is screwed up somewhere though.

philzone has Unbroken Chain following UJB to close the first set, and phillesh.net doesnt even list it....

There was also a live radio broadcast done on the 3rd in Boulder

Night Of A 1000 Stars

Interview Segment

No More Do I


St Stephen>


(Celebration sucks! I'ld rather hear Wave To The Wind)

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I totally agree...Jimmy rocks!!! he is a team player too. Its funny watching him; he sits there and waits and waits and lets warren do his thing...then, when you least expect it, BAM! he lets loose.

9 hours, id do it again in a second. totally worth it.

by the way, you listen to much Aquarium Rescue Unit Bouche???

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So, this was the first "big" show I had been to in a while. We left Calgary around noon on Monday and headed 9 hours south to Bozeman, MT. Before I say anything else, Bozeman rocks. Its a nice little U.S college town set in a valley surrounded by mountains...check it out if you get the chance. I think ill go back for some fishin' in the summer.

Anyhow, the ride down was pretty hairy as mother nature decided to make our road a skating rink...welcome to montana, canadians.

On Tuesday we milled around campus/town and had a GREAT lunch at a Cajun/nawlins style cafe.

On with the Phil!!! the capacity of the field house was just over 8,000. considering that the entire floor was filled and the seats were sparsly populated, AND the lot scene was WEAK, Id have to say there were a couple thousand, TOPS (i could be wrong but the place seemed empty). We managed to hold down a killer spot up around front row so our view was killer smile.gif" border="0 The setlist above speaks for itself. Its not the craziest set they have played in the last year but they were having so much fun!! Phil had the biggest shit eatin' grin, standing between two AMAZING guitar players like Warren and Jimmy I MY opinion, i seriously think this the setup phil has wanted since the early Dead years. Although the Dead made incredible music and am a HUGE fan, I think this is the structure phil would have always wanted...after the show, someone asked me "So, how would that have sounded if we replaced Jimmy with Bobby??" ...good question..end>. Did I mention that Barraco has an amazing voice and that he even brought some funk to the set. And Molo, well, he is hilarious. Dude is an animal on the kit and had some fun making the other guys catch him...

I would have to say the highlight of the night was the SMOKIN Stephen they tore into near the end of second set (that or the killer Unborken Chain set II opener).

All in all, the show was the most fun I had in recent memory. Being that we couldn't bring anything accross the border and that it was so cold in the lots, we were straight sober...and to put it into phil's words "..I think we left the ground a few times tonight.."

On a side note. The scene there was decent. Lots of great people came out for the show...all walks of life. However, some of those tour kids down there are a bunch of friggin idiots. self centered morons that cause more harm than good.

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