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Waking Life


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Hey all,

Theres a movie called WAKING LIFE which is coming out on video tomorrow (May 7th) and you gotta see it!!! This movie is amazing. It'll leave you smiling for a week. Its rejuvinating, thought provoking, has crazy visual effects and lots of substance. Deals with lots of existentialism and transcendentalism type topics. Pop it in at 4:20. I saw it at the London Film Festival back in the Fall and was blown away. Actually it was in Ebert's top 5 of the year, but it played at very few theatres.

Its directed by Richard Linklater (Dazed & Confused) and stars Willy Wiggins (aka Mitch Kramer). Its about this guy who's in a dream but can't get out of it, just keeps slipping into other dreams and it gets crazier and crazier. It is an animated movie, but its a brand new technology... It was filmed with real actors, but it was then sorta given this wash over of animation, making it look really cool.

I could go on, but maybe I'll wait till some others have seen it. Click here to see the website. Check out this movie!! shocked.gif" border="0

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Yup, I bought the DVD (my first ever DVD purchase actually) and I LOVE IT!!! I can't get enough of this film.

The DVD is awesome -- its got this 20 min. video of Bob Sabiston (the main animation man) showing how he made the film, its got the actual video footage of the film before it was glossed over in crazy animation, its got scenes that didn't make it and it also has this super fucked up short film done with rotoscoping. [Eek!]

The ideas in Waking Life are so refreshing and exciting too. Its full of heavy topics but its done in such a lighthearted way. Mr. Phakinit would dig it perhaps.


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