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Tissue Man

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ahhhhhhhhhh yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!

awesome show last night, they kicked some serious ass. shouldnt of missed it.

also if i remember correctly i was talking with craig mercer and i think he said that the GTB/JSB shows are set blenders.. not positive on this as my brain was hurting, so i hope i am not making this up haha..

canuckduck you remember if this is right?

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Last night's show rocked. I had the music running through my head all through the small part of the night left after I got home*.

They jammed it out furiously, and had a serious Pink Floyd twinge going on, along with a bitchin' "Spider Man" cartoon theme cover.

I can see them doing a setblender with GTB, as JSB reminded me of GTB a lot during parts of the second set in particular.

I can't remember from the last time I saw them (at the Bayou some months ago), but apparently they've undergone some lineup changes (a new drummer, and only one guitarist now). The new lineup displays stellar chops. The rhythmic changes alone were jaw-dropping; add in the funk, GTB-like trancy stuff, the Floyd, Spider Man, and it's almost too much. Almost. :-)

And, to top it all off, mixed drinks are $2.50 at Dekcuf on Tuesdays. :-)

Does anybody have a set list?



* Did anybody else see "The Song Remains The Same" running on Bravo around 2:45am, or was it just me? ISTR coming in in the middle of "Moby Dick".

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HEllllllllll Yeahhhhhhhh

What a great show, right from the first tune. Craig steps up to the mic "this is a song called Ohh Yeahhh" the crowd replies as one "Ohhhhhhh YEahhhh" That set the tempo for a furious night of jams. The new lineup us awsome, the new drummer has some serious groove and the single guitar allowed me to really hear the keyboards for the first time. I am forever more impressed with Craig as a frontman, what a rock star stage pressence he has and I was shocked at how he nailed Roger Watter when covering Pigs!

A little birdy told me that all GTB JSB shows are now set blenders.... including CTMF.... enjoy!

Quote of the night

"I haven't even spent $20 and I'm fucking hammered!"

the Sloth

Ferriswheeler tonight @ Babylon!

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They were pretty much what the doctor ordered. I needed a good pick me up and JSB really picked me up.

Both sets were strong, the new lineup seemed to work really well and the crowd was into it.

Serving up $2.50 mixed drink on tuesday's at Dekcuf is a treat (Mmmmm caesars, G&T's, Rye&G's). As an extra bonus the good ole smoke spot was back in use and they've widened it and are building a little roof. How sweet is that?

Anyway it was good seeing the faces that made it out last night.

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Jimmy Swift Band was an excellent way to celebrate the glorious Leaf victory yesterday evening. $2.50 drinks were another excellent way to celebrate or drown your sorrows and ensured that the race for the toaster was closely contended. I'm not sure who won the toaster last night but i know i was in no position to judge.

Really enjoyed the show, the new line-up is sweet, the new drummer sounded like he has been playing with them for years! I really like that Daft Punk cover of Around the World. I've seen them pull that tune out twice and they really do a great job on it.

If anyone is going to see this band make sure to check out their wood carved back-drop located behind the drums. A fan made it for them and it is really quite the piece of work. Craig tried to explain the symbolism of the different carvings before the first set. Amazing art work. Be sure to check it out. Another fine evening of entertainment here in the nations capital.

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