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Cocaine led to Entwistle's death


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Originally posted by Chewie:

don't forget keith godchaux...car acident but still very sad.

also how many musicians have died in plane/motorcycle accidents...spooky.

bill graham, buddy holly, berry oakley, duane allman, ronnie van zant...the BIG BOPPER

stevie ray vaughn!

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New Flash:

Something eventually gives in all our bodies.

What right do we have to question what someone wants to do to their body?

It may seem stupid to you and me, but its their body.

The guy gives you a lifetime of music, and you are pretty much willing to throw it all away.

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Easy Andre. I'm only disappointed in Entwistle. I love his contributions to rock & roll. Without him, rock bass and rock & roll in a larger sense, would sound a lot different. I just find it a waste of a good life and talent that his afflictions finally caught up to him. Again, I'm disappointed in Entwistle as I am in most of my dead music idols, because most of them died due in part to their addictions. Sure, life choices can create some of the best music. But if Entwistle knew that his heart was weak and he was still living a self-abusive lifestyle, then he was just plain stupid. I still love the guy, as I do with other past abusive legends: Jerry, Hendrix and Moon - although he's not easy to like on a personal level ( read the latest biography ).

I've got a roommate ( as you know ), that's slowly killing himself every day with booze. He knows it and he knows that I know it. I also have 2 friends with cancer that continue to smoke - both have had their cancer "cured" through serious operations. Sure I've talked to them all about why they are refusing to deal with their afflictions, but they don't want to listen. They're dancing with death but I know they are all in a form of denial. Hey, Entwistle probably had the same mindset. I just don't like seeing great people heading down the road to an early demise. Basically, what it comes down to in the end is, I want everyone to kick out the jams for another 50 years, motherfuckers! That's all I have to say.

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Sorry all, just a little Sunday mornin' soundoff.

First, Kurt Cobain died of bullet and Hendrix died of sleeping pills and poor ambulance attending.

Second, and I'm not sure if I'll be able to articulate this the way I want but...What did Frank Zappa die of? Cancer, right?. Whenever someone succumbs to cancer or has a major heart attack, the media reports that as cause of death. However, here John E. dies of a heart attack and the media reports it as a drug death, and we all lament that the stars are idiots for not avoiding the dangers of drugs. The main point I'm getting at is when someone dies of CIGARETTES nobody blames cigarettes, they say heart problems/lost battle with cancer/whatever. Nooooo, can't let the media come up with a list of rock starts that have died from tobacco use, might hurt sales. But let someone have a heart attack when there's coke in the room and it was a drug death. Did John E. smoke? If he did, lets imagine for a moment that he spent a lifetime tobacco free but still did the same amount of coke at the Hard Rock that night. Would he still have had that heart attack? Everybody knows cigarettes kill you, but did people get angry at Frank Zappa for killing himself on smokes?

Bottom line: media/gov't think drugs is bad and want to squish public opinion of said drugs, hence drugs are blamed every time they can be even remotely connected to the incident. Media/gov't think tobacco is good 'cuz it's a huge cash cow and never directly link them as a cause of death.

Just though of this - nobody ever really dies of aids, but rather complications resulting from having aids, yet stats have people dying of aids all the time. Cigarettes are no farther removed from the deaths they cause, and yet the connection is never mentioned.

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Zappa, a non-drinker/drug-user, died of prostate cancer. He was however, a heavy smoker and coffee drinker. The thing with Entwistle is that he was a smoker, drinker and apparent drug user. He was dumb on all accounts. If you got a weak heart, lay off everything. Coke-heads die of heart attacks. Something's gotta give eventually in all substance abusers' bodies. Entwistle's heart just couldn't take it any more.

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