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Need Help On Project


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Hello Again Ya'll.

I'm doing a project on the rise of SHN's and how they compare and are superior to MP3's. It is worth of 40% of my first year Multimedia class and I have to present it by building a website in XML format.

I was wondering if anyone had technical thoughs about SHN's and MP3, why they choose to use one format over the other or any links that could help me out.

Thanks in advance-

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Guest Low Roller

Simply put, MP3 format is more lossy than SHN. The other side of the coin is that MP3 files are smaller to download. I guess it depends how picky someone is about sound quality and what they want to do with the files. I find it hard to tell the difference between MP3s that are encoded in 256kbps and SHNs.

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