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Axl Rose said Buckethead was erratic (LOL)

Guest Low Roller

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Guest Low Roller

Guns N' Roses Cancels Concert Appearance

In a "shocking" announcement, Axl Rose has cancelled Guns N' Roses headlining slot in this year's Rock in Rio, scheduled for May 30th. But it's what Axl said after cancelling the show that came as the bigger surprise (and unintentional comedy).

"The band has been put in an untenable position by guitarist Buckethead and his untimely departure," Rose says. "During his tenure with the band Buckethead has been inconsistent and erratic in both his behavior and commitment -- despite being under contract -- creating uncertainty and confusion and making it virtually impossible to move forward with recording, rehearsals and live plans with confidence."

Rose also made mention that a release date for "Chinese Democracy", the band's long-delayed album, will be decided upon "in the next few months".


Editorial: BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Axl Rose is a fucking comedian.

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dude, GNR died once Dizzy joined, thus forcing Izzy out. Izzy wrote most of the tunes, he was the soul of the band! Slash had the sick licks, Duff had the rad Misfits/T Rex sleeveless shirts with the chain/lock neckalace and the best bass line in Rocket Queen, Steven had the kick-ass coke beats. WIthout these guys, all you have left is one bad mutha with a rattle snake suitcase under his arm feeling lean and mean and drinking gasoline that makes his motor hum, with a chip on his shoulder and clip-on braids held together with a permanent bandana.

What a fucking shame what happened to these guys. Honestly, I believe they were the last, true, great rock and roll band in the Stones tradtition (with the Crowes in 2nd place).

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