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Sisters Euclid & Toronto Tabla Ensemble Review


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Checked out the show Friday night at the Harbourfront Centre....TONS of fun.

We scored front row tickets the day before the show...i guess they released the front row that day...apparently the show was SOLD OUT!

Anyways, i've seen a few tabla bands, so i had an idea what i was in for...And i certainly wasn't disappointed.

Two sets of music, each around 50 minutes. The first set and a half was the bands trading places, first the TTE would play a few songs, then Sister Euclid would play a few. At the end they played two collaberations...the encore being Every Little Thing She Does is Magic.

The Toronto Tabla Ensemble consisted of six table players, one being the teacher, the other five students...looking in their early 20's. They also had the other leader, who spoke in the end, playing a style of electric miramba?

Their music was a very pure form of percussion. no crazy builds and tension releases, just well written and composed music....something that i've come to appreciate living in the jamwank scene :)

Seeing this band really made me appreciate Zakir Hussain...Wow he really does rule the Tabla. I'm really starting to appreciate middle eastern music...wonder why the food has never appealed to me...lol.

kevin breit played a lot different than i was expecting. having never seen him before, and only hearing him in the jazz fest setting, i didn't know he had a hard edge to him...boy does he ever.

He reminded me of a mix between Jimi Hendrix and Neil Young destroying Big Black. Pure energy....SOOOOO talented.

I assume thats the style of Sister Euclid, but i had no idea...seems like Breit can play it all...He's definately the best Canadian guitarist i've seen live...

The venue was amazing. I can't believe we dont see more shows through there???anyone know why? its amazing. great views, even better sound. relatively cheap parking...beautiful setting right on the water....

WIsh i had some pictures to share, but i was on my best behaviour, and didn't want to cause a fuss...being front row and all...

just watching the nuances in the Toronto Tabla Ensemble was worth the price of admission (which was only 20 bucks). They really watch each other for cues...and i love watching them count the time signatures as they are playing...looks a lot easier than it actually is...

not to mention the actual time signatures they use...

overall, an amazing experience....i should have went again Saturday night...

If anyone is looking for a change of pace...check out Toronto Table Ensemble, or Kevin Breit and Sister Euclid, they wont disappoint.


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