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Going to CTMF? Living in Toronto? Read on....


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**Come Together Music Festival***

Ok well I thought that I should post this closer to the actual event but 1 month will pass by alot quicker than you think. I for sure want to go this year. Miss Pink has told how much fun this event is. The pics on her site help also. My point is I need a ride there.

I have come up with 2 options.

1- find someone from the Toronto area that is going and wouldn't mind me tagging along. I would help out with gas and such.

2- rent a car. alone this can be expensive. Therefore if renting is the plan then I would need some passengers to help cover the costs.

Like I said I may be jumping the gun here but I would like to know in advance what my options are. That way I can make sure I have enough moolah for the entire weekend.


ps. Think about it. No need to answer today. Mull it over and let me know.

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hey chase, don't you mean "mullet over"?


(ba boom ching!)

that's AWESOME you're coming this year!!!!!!!!! it'll be a partay indeed! hopefully someone can help ya out with a ride or by being a passenger. (if anyone is wondering, this chase guy is cool, cool shit, mang! you'd be lucky to be part of his travelling entourage, or have him part of yours. plus you get the added bonus of hanging with the famed mullet-in-progress!)

and guess what people?

**** ONLY 29 AND A HALF MORE DAYS!!!!!!!! ****


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Thanks Becky!

NewRider...no worries. I'm not looking to be the only one. The mullet has been around for years. I'm not doing anything original. Just humorous....well at least to some people it is.

ok back to the task at hand....work....grrrr.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok so no one seems to want to give me a ride. Or no one has offered.

Anyways there is slight chance I can get wheels from the parental units. But that's slight. I would hate to miss this event.

Is there other people looking for a ride from Toronto? Maybe we can all pitch in and rent a van or car.

Just a thought. I know I'm new hear and not many of you know me but I can assure you I am a decent guy. So please, PLEASE SOMEBODY HELP ME OUT!


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Originally posted by Chase:

I know I'm new hear and not many of you know me but I can assure you I am a decent guy.

I can attest to that!!!

Don't give up hope chase - you'll find a way. Wish you didn't live in toronto, bumhead.

If anything - a bus trip to k-town on the friday night could work... and you could hitch a ride with one of us! We've got a few more weeks to figure it all out.

In the meantime, smile and keep growing that sexy mullet of yours... it'll all fall into place mate.

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possable ride here, i still have no idea who is going with me, but i should have a seat there at least, i think i'm leaving from there to go to new brunsiwck, but i'm sure if can fit you in, especially if its last minute

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yeah, but i'm just not feeling it this year, every year i was so stoked, this year i am way more excited for shaker, i dunno labourday was cool, but its no ghost town, and i mean cavern? even if they are playing friday night. and the only bands i'm really intrested to hear is caution jam and DD and i hear them all the time. its not really worth 65 bucks to me to see those 2 bands and camp for a weekend, when i could camp at frontier town or a park for 10 bucks

i dunno, i might still be there, it would be good to see alot of people but 65 buck is a huge rip off

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where in t. are you located?

I am located on Bloor in between Keele and Dundas West.

On the south side.

So your going to another event? Well if you can take me that would rule. Of course I will let you know if I scored a car or another ride.

Yes Miss Pink the worse case situation is take a bus Friday evening and get a ride from you or someone else from K-dub.

I'm not giving up. I'll have a better idea after this weekend.

I'm just so excited about this. I haven't been to a festival like this in while.


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i don't care if they lower the price,,65 bucks is penuts, its the feeling of getting my moneys worth i am concerned about. but most of all its just the feeling that that i felt before every other cometogether isn;t there any more.. i don't mean to bitch and it will always be my last resort plan, its just not my main priority like it used to be

sorry for soundling like i'm bitching

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Jared there are lots of other great bands on there... have you seen Guesthouse with their reggae singers?? It's fuckin' awesome!!! JSB is pretty good and I hear good things about a lot of other bands on the bill I haven't seen yet. Most of the bands on there you haven't heard and there is only one you detest. Save yourself the $15 and show up Saturday morning and pay only $50!

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