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Ottawa Coaching staff just fired...


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According to Nick Kypreos, the Sens could have had Joseph or Kolzig, but Muckler wanted to stick with Lalime. Martin wanted another goalie, but Muckler didn't. Also, Muckler brought in the one-dimensional Bondra when they clearly didn't need him.

I think Melnyk should have fired Muckler and not Martin. He's a good coach who got beat by a better goalie ( in game 7 ).

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to Nick Kypreos, the Sens could have had Joseph or Kolzig, but Muckler wanted to stick with Lalime. Martin wanted another goalie, but Muckler didn't. Also, Muckler brought in the one-dimensional Bondra when they clearly didn't need him.

I think Melnyk should have fired Muckler and not Martin. He's a good coach who got beat by a better goalie ( in game 7 ).


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Sorry, Muckler made the right call, even though it looks like the wrong one. What was the price for Kolzig? How expensive was Joseph? Bondra was doing fine before the trade......blah blah blah. What did Martin want? Who really knows.

Martin had been given his chance, time and time again. Muckler deserves AT LEAST one more.

Between Muckler and Martin?

Ridiculous argument based on the past few years. If you keep Martin, you HAVE to drastically change the entire squad. Fug, these hockey experts are idiots at times.

Oh wait, they are all TO favoured......... you lemmings will believe anything. As DaveO said to me today, think of what Martin is going to do with his spare time. He has a World Cup to prepare for (remember Ken Hitchcock and what he did on his 'free time' ?)

Guaranteed, Martin will do fine elsewhere, but something had to give. It wasnt working with that team anymore. If they fire Muckler, so be it, but I wouldnt. Its not like he is Glen Sather.

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