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Friday June 11th

@ The Underground

41 Catharine St N, downtown Hamilton


presented by E-Mole & Cincinnati Records

The plan has been under-way, and the charitable cause confirmed, and the booking of performers is partly done.

This is a shout out to anyone interested in taking part in A Tribute Night to The Velvet Underground.

Soloists, duos, drummers, bassists, guitarists, keyboardists or full bands are all eligible to take part in this event.

There is a core band to secure the night, but others are definitely desired.

Email brodiebooksrock@yahoo.ca or Bruce Mowat at mwt6653@yahoo.ca in order to book your position for this event.

Practices, rehearsals & jam time will be available at both the Underground during the day (or off nights) as well as during The Blue Moon Tuesday Open Stages at Casbah in case you need to rehearse with the core band.

Contact us if this event floats your boat.

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if you can find the instrument Nico played I've always thought I'd be good at it (always pictured it as a mysterious box with a hand crank... you know, that wierd sound in the background of "Heroin"... crank faster, crank slower, fixed stare, etc)

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