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fun times last nite...


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some great sounds at Elements Lounge last nite...

stupid me only caught the tail end of "Mikey Mike and the Country Bunch", but it sounded super sweet... really wish i rolled in their earlier.. lookin forward to hearing more in the future.

and again, Contact brought it hard, despite consistent sound problems, they were still a lot of fun to watch and listen to.

thanks for the show, guys.

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yeah! i was a slowpoke too and i missed most of the opening band to my chagrine, but hopefully i'll get another chance to catch them b/c the little bit that i heard sounded great.

second time seeing contact, kicked my ass again, i hope everyone had safe travels in the rain!

thanks to the bands for playing for us and to shain for bringing them out! hope you survive work today buddy!


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Sorry bout the issues last night everybody.

it just added to my pissy mood. I felt rushed all day and the bad sound topped it all off so bad.

I dont' know why mike's guitar mic kept feeding back. I couldn't even figure it out...I notched out the bad tone but it kept coming here and there. Shit like that makes me feel like an idiot and feel bad for the artists involved.

it was an awesome time but after about 7 PM I didn't want to be there anymore. i had to leave and come back and after this problem and that problem i was there late.

Hope everyone had a good time and that i didn't ruin anyone's night.

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