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the zen tricksters electric concert sampler discs

mark tonin

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I've got some discs to give away. I'd like to give them away to people that are going to the Come Together Canada Day Fest. If you want one, and you are going to the Come Together Fest at Izzy's for the Canada Day weekend, send me a private message with your snail mail address and I'll send you one. Offer good for the first 3 people that send me a message. I'll also be bringing a few to Chatham on Friday.

Peace, Mark

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Send me your snail mail addy my friend ... I'm thinking that you'll like what you hear. Some solid songs, excellent lead guitar, and the jams make me think of the Dead in a big way. This band will be a treat live I think ... really looking forward to it.

Peace, Mark

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I know you were speaking to kung, but I decided to butt in and interrupt the conversation! ;) ::

I'll send you the discs whether or not you end up going to the Come Together Fest. My preference would obviously be to see you there, and given what I know of your musical tastes you are one of the people that I think would really dig this band. The quality of the discs is good (not the best live recordings I've heard but they definitely capture the band live), but it's the style of music that I think will turn your crank ... somewhere in that area of music that includes the Dead, Fat Cats, and Gov't Mule, at least that's what I think when I hear this band.

So if you want a copy of the discs send me your snail mail addy. No big deal if you don't.

Peace, Mark

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