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Happy Birthday C-Towns


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That's what the cake beside the avatar means, ya?

Have a good one dude, thanks for supporting live music more enthusiastically than anyone I know. Also, thanks for letting us crash at your pad while on tour (not to mention Slammin Jack multiple times)



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happy b-day there fucker. i know you celebrated on saturday but I imagine the official party would be good if I was in calgary and n ot an internet cafe in milk river. anyways this rocks putting a toonie in for 15 minutes of infranet time. happy day mang, give chatham hell for me fer may 24. tell vanderslous he's a douche for having a wedding on a long weekend when theres a dead and allmans concert at the gourge. yarrhghghghhhh.

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much belated, but happy birthday to you, fucker! yeah, long weekend weddings are so rude. tell your buddy. I'm glad I don't know vandersluis well enough to have been invited to it!

Here's you and I on NYE in Pt. Dover:


photo: purple foot

And is that you peering out from behind Claude and Purple Foot? If not, happy birthday to that guy!


photo: obviously NOT purple foot

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