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Will G.W. be re-elected?


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Sorry, I don't know how to make this a poll.

If common sense prevails than George will be out the door faster than you can say "Where's my heady Weapons of Mass Destruction?"

On the other hand we're learning to ignore common sense where the U.S. is concerned, and many think that such uncertain times will cause most people to vote with safety and security in mind...this isn't the time for a shakeup.


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Rely on nothing in this world, that's what the last 4 years of Bush Tyranny has taught me. Sure logic would dictate that Bush would be beaten like a rented mule in the upcoming election, hell logic would dictate that we should string him up for his crimes against humanity. But he and his staff are masters of media distortion, they know how to play the game in this new 24/7 sounbd byte world too well.

Time after time they've been faced with insurmountible disasters and they've always come out the other side skeaky clean, (except for the odd scapegoat). Anyone else would have been empeached maybe even exiled for what he's done. His ability to distract and charm the dim-witted and overly scared and inately patriotic 'Merican population, has made him untouchable and unaccoutable.

All we can hope for is that the state of the world continues to degrade at this exponential rate (shitty thing to wish for I know) leaving him with no scapegoats and no teflon shield to hide behind. And maybe Moore's no film will reach the constant gratification/entertainment armchair pod people that make up the bulk of the American people. But I doubt even that is too much to wish for. American aren't interested in reality unless it's in the form of a reality TV show. And it's this indiffence and self indulgent self abosorbtion that will allow Bush to wag the dog inches from there noses for 4 more years to come.


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Past elections have proven that a President seeking a second term either wins big - or loses big, usually by about 10%....after the last US election all bets could be off, BUT the conventional wisdom is voters are pretty sure they either want to keep him (Clinton, Reagan) or want him out (Bush Sr., Carter)

With many Americans who are anti-Bush voting who didn't in the last US election, who have seen what happened, and Kerry locking up a solid running-mate (Edwards!) my current prediction is a 12% Kerry victory.

....mind you, I'm a deeply dillusional left-winger and a chronic optimist!

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It's funny, my friend in Portland has been working very hard for the democrats, and he thinks that Kerry can pull it off. I am not so sure. I think Kerry has nothing to do with this election. The vote is Bush, or not-Bush, and Bush rigged the last one pretty easily and was never challenged regardless of all the evidence of foul-play. What is to stop him from rigging this one too.

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