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California Dreamin' ...tips?


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Hey all. Gonna be doing some West Coast action south of the boarder and am looking for any ideas of spots to hit. So far, this is what I'm up to:

Dead/Allmans @the Gorge on the 3rd of July

Tony Furtado in Hood River, OR on the 4th

Benvenuto & Russo in Chico, CA on the 7th

The Slip and Motet @ the Fillmore San Fran, CA on the 8th

Buddy's wedding in Tahoe, CA from 14th to 17th

So basically, im looking for great places to check out in northern Cali and southern Oregon. Having never been I thought Id check here. Also, I'm going solo after I part ways with the friends after the Dead show at the Gorge. Primarily looking for neat wilderness places but anything cool to know about would be a bonus. Im also curious about what I should and shouldn't do in San Fran.

Ideas? Lets hear 'em if ya got 'em. Thanks!

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when in San fran check out the wharf, palace of fine arts, the haight and golden gate park. Very tourist things to do but hey I was one, so what the hell.

one thing I wouldn't suggest doing is driving your car to the haight and then eating a bunch of mushrooms in golden gate park. Which was amazing during the day, up on the hill chilling, tripping to an amazing drum circle but when it gets dark and your car has turned into a shape shifting blob of colours, you realize you should have taken a cab.

actually, looking back it made for a pretty memorable adventure, so fu@k it get your freak on baby!!!!!!!

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Thought about doing High Sierra instead? July 1,2,3,4 in Quincy, CA... Here's the link: http://www.hsmusic.net/hsmf/ I'm doing this festival 100% for sure next year...

Yeah, Ive been wanting to go to this one for a while...unfortunately It just didn't fit into my plans this summer. Close, but just couldn't do it. Out of all the festivals that go on south of the border, this is THE one that tops my list. Maybe next year we'll both get to howl at the Sierra moon! Here's to hoping anyhow...

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the redwoods forest is a definite must! absolutely breathtaking, and there's many a photo-op when you're surrounded by trees that have trunk diameters larger than your vehicle. just make sure you go with ample daylight left in the day (especially if you're going to spend however freakin' long driving around trying to find the tree you can actually drive THROUGH... we ran out of sunlight before we were able to find it), when it gets dark there, it gets dark FAST, and it's quite scary. beautiful, beautiful place though!

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